Theme, will: Ultrasound Is Sound Based Imaging Technique
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POLITICAL INSTABILITY AND THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS | 12 hours ago · Simply put, ultrasound refers to high frequency sound waves that humans can’t hear. Data-over-sound technology means we ultrasound to transfer data between two devices simply by using a speaker and a microphone. One application for such a technology is payments. Contactless Payments and Smartphones. 4 days ago · ultrasound imaging advances and applications By J. R. R imaging technology covering several organs and techniques from a biomedical engineering bme applications sanches joao miguel laine andrew f suri jasjit s amazonsg books ultrasound imaging utilizes the interaction of sound waves with living tissue to produce an image of the tissue. Oct 28, · Ultrasound Is Sound Based Imaging Technique Words | 8 Pages. Introduction Ultrasound is acoustic energy with a frequency at about 20kHz which is above the capability of human hearing. It is more commonly used in the medical field than food industry. In the medical field, the most significant usage of ultrasound is in sonographic scanners. |
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DOI: Received: June 5, Revised: October 25, Accepted: November 29, Published online: January 5, Liver fibrosis LFa common consequence of chronic liver diseases with various etiologies, is characterized by excessive accumulation of macromolecules, including collagen, glycoproteins and proteoglycans, in the liver. LF can result in hepatic dysfunction, cirrhosis, portal hypertension and, in some cases, hepatocellular carcinoma.
As the current gold standard for diagnosing LF, liver biopsy, however, is Ultrasoujd and prone to sampling errors and go here complications. Therefore, developing noninvasive, precise and reproducible imaging tests for diagnosing and staging LF is of great significance. Conventional ultrasound UScomputed tomography CT and magnetic resonance MR imaging can depict morphological alterations of advanced LF, but have relatively limited capability characterizing early-stage LF. In order to optimize the diagnostic performances of noninvasive imaging techniques for LF across its entire spectrum of severity, a number of novel methods, including US elastography, CT perfusion imaging and various MR imaging—based techniques, have been established and introduced to clinical practice. In this review, we intended to summarize current noninvasive imaging techniques for LF, with special emphasis on the possible roles, advantages and Ultrasound Is Sound Based Imaging Technique of the new emerging imaging modalities.
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Liver fibrosis LF is a characteristic consequence of repetitive liver parenchymal damage Sohnd by various etiologies, and is typified by excessive accumulation of macromolecules, such as collagens, glycoproteins and proteoglycans, in the liver extracellular matrix 1 Fig. Currently, alcoholic liver disease, chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C are the most prevalent causes of LF.
As a result of continuous liver injury, activation of vitamin A-rich quiescent hepatic stellate cells induced by necrosis and apoptosis of hepatocytes triggers accumulation of extracellular matrix. EC, endothelial cell; HSCs, hepatic stellate cells.
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Liver biopsy, a standard procedure of obtaining liver tissue for histopathological assessment, is the gold standard for LF currently. Therefore, the introduction of noninvasive diagnostic approaches is pivotal to address the above limitations of liver biopsy.

Imaging approaches comprising ultrasound UScomputed tomography CT and magnetic resonance MR imaging have been playing significant roles in the assessment of LF for the past decades. The introductions of elastography and several CT and MR-based techniques have further improved the diagnostic performances for LF. In this review, we focused on noninvasive imaging evaluation of LF, with special emphasis on the roles of new emerging imaging techniques.
Noninvasive imaging approaches allow detection, staging and Ultrrasound of LF.]
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