Three Year Efficacy of Complex Insulin Regimens -

Three Year Efficacy of Complex Insulin Regimens - final, sorry

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A total of patients took part in this study.

Three Year Efficacy of Complex Insulin Regimens

Majority were female The overall prevalence of insulin adherence more info Forgetfulness was the most common factor for insulin non-adherence The majority of the respondents showed positive perceptions and beliefs of their insulin treatments, with a mean There was a significant correlation between insulin adherence and all the HBM constructs.

Overall, the HBM constructs predicted The strongest predictor of insulin adherence was perceived benefits followed by self-efficacy. It is recommended that the high-risk group of non-adherence should be identified, the insulin regimen adjusted, and an individual intensive health education designed in order to increase insulin adherence.

Three Year Efficacy of Complex Insulin Regimens

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Three Year Efficacy of Complex Insulin Regimens

Diabetes Care 35 Supplement 1 :S11—S SAGE Open 4 2. Patient Prefer Adherence Res Social Adm Pharm 12 6 — J Diabetes Complicat 26 1 — Libyan J Med Brod M, Rana A, Barnett AH Adherence patterns in patients with type 2 diabetes on basal insulin analogues: missed, Regimes and reduced doses.

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Curr Med Res Opin 28 12 — Glob J Health Sci 7 5 — Egede LE Effect of depression on self-management behaviors and health outcomes in with type 2 diabetes. Curr Diabetes Rev 1 3 — Ellis K, Mulnier H, Forbes A Perceptions of insulin use in type 2 diabetes in primary care: a thematic synthesis. BMC Fam Pract 19 1 Prim Care Diabetes 8 4 — J Diabetes Res International Diabetes Federation, Brussels.]

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