The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres - assured
University of Queensland staff will have greater access to training on a detailed exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and contemporary issues, thanks to an innovative online education foundation course. It is unfinished business for us as a nation. By taking this course we learn more about our shared history. It enhances our collective cultural competence which is important to improving outcomes for, and with, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The University will be the largest educational higher education institute to engage with Core alongside almost 80 Commonwealth government agencies. Core is also taken up by a range of other users in the education, not-for-profit, small-to-medium-enterprise, and corporate sectors. This online training course comprises of 10 interactive modules delivered through self-paced learning activities, and opportunity for critical self-reflection and additional learnings. Homepage Site menu Show Search. Enhancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural learning. Share link:.Can: The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres
The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres | An Analysis Of Peter Pan By J |
Aboriginal Australians comprise many distinct peoples who have developed across Australia for over 50, years. These peoples have a broadly shared, though complex, genetic history, but it is only in the last two hundred years that they have been defined and started to self-identify as a single group. The definition of the term "Aboriginal" has changed over time and place, with family lineage, self-identification and community acceptance all being of varying importance.
The term Indigenous Australians refers to Aboriginal Australians as well as Torres Strait Islandersand the term should only be used when both groups are included in the topic being addressed, or by self-identification by a person as Indigenous. Torres Strait Islanders are ethnically and culturally distinct, despite The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres cultural exchange with some of the Aboriginal groups, and the Torres Strait Islands are mostly part of Queensland but have a separate governmental status. In the past, Aboriginal Australians lived over large sections of the continental shelf and were isolated on many of the smaller offshore islands and Tasmania when the land was inundated at the start of the Here inter-glacial periodabout 11, years ago.

Studies regarding the genetic makeup of Aboriginal groups are still ongoing, but evidence has suggested that they have genetic inheritance from ancient Asian but not more modern click, share some similarities with Papuansbut have been isolated from Southeast Asia for a very long time.
Before extensive European settlement, there were over Aboriginal languages. In the Australian CensusIndigenous Australians comprised 3. They also live throughout the world as part of the Australian diaspora. Most Aboriginal people speak English, with Aboriginal phrases and words being added to create Australian Aboriginal English which also has a tangible influence of Aboriginal languages in the phonology and grammatical structure.
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Aboriginal people, along with Torres Strait Islander people, have a number of health and economic deprivations in comparison with the wider Australian community. The ancestors of present-day Aborigines migrated from Asia by sea during the Pleistocene epoch and lived over large sections off the Australian continental shelf when the sea levels were lower and Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea were part of the same landmass.

As sea levels rose, the people on the Australian mainland and nearby islands became increasingly isolated, and some were isolated on Tasmania and some of the smaller offshore islands when the land was inundated at the start of the Holocenethe inter-glacial period which started about 11, years ago and persists today. A paper in Nature evaluated artefacts in Kakadu and concluded "Human occupation began around 65, years ago". Aborigines are genetically most similar to the indigenous populations of Papua New Guineaand more Aborigina, related to groups from Avoriginal Indonesia.
They are quite distinct from the indigenous populations of Borneo and Malaysiasharing relatively little genomic information as compared to the groups from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. This indicates that Australia was isolated for a long time from the rest of Southeast Asia, and remained The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres by migrations and population expansions into that area. In a study, blood samples were collected from some Warlpiri people in the Northern Territoryto study their genetic makeup which is not representative of all Aboriginal peoples in Australia.
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The study concluded that the Warlpiri are descended from ancient Asians whose DNA is still somewhat present in Southeastern Asian groups, although greatly diminished. The Warlpiri DNA lacks certain information found in modern Asian genomes, and carries information not found in other genomes, reinforcing the idea of ancient Aboriginal isolation. In a genetic study by Morten Rasmussen et al. They found that the ancestors of the Aboriginal Australian population split off from other Eurasians between 62, and 75, BPwhereas the European Asian populations split only 25, to 38, years BP, indicating an The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres period see more Aboriginal genetic isolation.
These Aboriginal ancestors probably migrated into South Asia and then into Australia, where they stayed, with the result that, outside of Africa, the Aboriginal peoples have occupied the same article source continuously longer than any other human populations.
These findings suggest that modern Aborigines are the direct descendants of migrants who left Africa up to 75, years ago. The Rasmussen study also found evidence that Aboriginal peoples carry some of the genes associated with the Denisovans a species of human related to but distinct from Neanderthals of Asia; the study suggests that there is an increase in allele sharing between the Denisovan and Aboriginal Australian genomes, compared to other Eurasians and to Africans.
The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres study makes Aboriginal Australians one of the oldest living populations in the world and possibly the oldest outside of Africa, confirming they may also have the oldest continuous culture on the planet. A study at the University of Cambridge by Christopher Klein et al. The study suggests that it was about 50, years ago that these peoples reached Sahul the supercontinent consisting of present-day Australia and its islands and New Guinea. The sea levels rose and isolated Australia and Tasmania about 10, years ago, but Aborigines and Papuans diverged from each other genetically earlier, about 37, years BP, possibly because the remaining land bridge was impassable, and it was this isolation which makes it the world's oldest civilisation.
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There is, however, huge genetic diversity among Aboriginal Australians based on geographical distribution. The dingo reached Australia about 4, years ago, and around the The World Of Aboriginal And Or Torres time there were changes in language with the Pama-Nyungan language family spreading over most of the mainlandand in stone tool technology, with the use of smaller tools. The study authors sequenced 13 Aboriginal Australian Y chromosomes using recent advances in gene sequencing technology, investigating their divergence times from Y chromosomes in other continents, including comparing the haplogroup C chromosomes. The authors concluded that, although this does not disprove the presence of any Holocene gene flow or non-genetic influences from South Asia at that time, and the appearance of the dingo does provide strong evidence for external contacts, the evidence overall is consistent with a complete lack of gene flow, and points to indigenous origins for the technological and linguistic changes.]
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