The Suez Canal -

Shine Yes: The Suez Canal

THE SUPERIORITY THEORY OF HUMOR 1 day ago · The Suez Canal is located in Egypt and is a artificial sea route, currently kilometers long, which unites the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea by the Suez Isthmus. The Suez Canal was built by a company of the French Ferdinand de Lesseps () with support from the Egyptian authorities since and inaugurated 10 years later in. 47 minutes ago · While the British and the French financed and built the Suez Canal, they saw the anti-colonial movement happening and tried to hide their power by technically giving Egypt independence but keeping the money earned from the Suez flowing into Britis. 5 days ago · The Suez Canal is considered to be the shortest link between the east and the west due to its unique geographic location; it is an important international navigation canal linking between the Mediterranean sea at Port said and the red sea at Suez. The idea of linking the Mediterranean sea with the red sea by a canal dates back to 40 centuries.
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The Suez Canal. The Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is considered to be the shortest link between the east and the west due to its unique geographic location; it is an important international navigation canal linking between the Mediterranean sea at Port said and the red sea at Suez. The idea of linking the Mediterranean sea with the red sea by a canal dates back to 40 centuries as it was pointed out through history starting by the pharaohs era passing by the Suz era until it was The Suez Canal reaching its current condition today.

The Suez Canal

It is considered to be the first artificial canal to be used in Travel and Trade. The pharaohs dredged a canal link in between river Nile and the red sea.

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The inscriptions in the tomb of Weni the Elder, who lived during the 6th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom c. Scholars are still debating, however, whether his waterways ran all the way from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. Sign In Subscribe Ad-Free.

The Suez Canal

Suez Canal November 17, AP Photo, File. Related Topics: Egypt Suez Canal. Show comments Hide Comments.]

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