The Real Independent Voter -

The Real Independent Voter

The Real Independent Voter - was

An independent voter , often also called an unaffiliated voter in the United States , is a voter who does not align themselves with a political party. An independent is variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates on issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or partisanship ; [1] a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with, a political party ; [2] [3] a voter who does not usually vote for the same political party from election to election; [4] [5] or a voter who self-describes as an independent. Voting systems outside of the United States, including the British parliamentary system , may include independent voters as being "floater voters" or swing votes. The earliest concept of independents is of a person whose political choices, by definition, were made based on issues and candidates due to lack of party affiliation. Furthermore, early studies of voting behavior conclusively demonstrated that self-identified independent voters are less interested in specific elections than partisan voters, poorly informed about issues and candidates, and less active politically. However, a contrary view emerged: The independent usually voted on the basis of deeply ingrained beliefs, attitudes and loyalties, and is more like the strongly partisan voter than any other voter or the idealized "independent". By the s, scholars attempted to define the independent based on behavior, rather than party identification or loyalty. Critics claimed that the independent voter is merely a subset of the larger set of independents, which should also include non-voters. Voting, therefore, is more reflective of what candidate is running—and therefore a poor measure of partisanship. The Real Independent Voter

Voter turnout is commonly regarded as one of the most distinct issues within American politics of the last century. The cause of the marked decline throughout the 20th century is often attributed simply to voter apathy, but the issue is much more complex. Upon analysis, it is clear that a number. Delgadillo won the city attorney race receiving the majority. Recently state and federal legislators have The Real Independent Voter discussing voter identification laws, also known as voter ID laws.

The Real Independent Voter

This issue is controversial because it can lead states to deny voters a vote without an approved ID. On one hand, some supporters of ID laws argue that these laws are preventing criminals from committing fraud.

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From this perspective, the laws are protecting the value of a vote and what it means to actually participate in an election vote. On the other hand, however, people argue that. In the past decade, a total of 34 states have passed voter identification laws with the same guidelines from state to state. These laws require voters to show a proof of photo identification in order to be eligible to vote or receive a ballot at the voting polls.

Latino Voters And Hispanic Voters

The initial purpose of the voter ID laws was to prevent voter fraud. However, the laws have made voting harder for some Americans, like minorities, women, students and elders by requiring a government issued photo ID. Many people assume.

The Real Independent Voter

Byapproximately 19 states had made it mandatory that some form of identification would be required. As this trend has remained largely consistent, so has the rationale behind implementation of these laws from its proponents. Proponents of voter identification and registration The Real Independent Voter argue that these laws are necessary to click voter fraud and restore public confidence in elections Goldstein.

Even in a presidential election, only about half of the eligible adults exercise their right to vote. What are the consequences of a low voter turnout? Does low turnout have any possible benefits?

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In my opinion, I believe everyone that is eligible to vote should vote. This Reak opportunity The Real Independent Voter go out and have an impact on policies that affect our lives should not be taken lightly. For a long period of time through American history neither women nor African. According to research a large percentage of individuals are not voting because political parties fail to appeal to the voters and this leads to the voting population losing interest in the campaign, while others postpone registering and by the time they realize their delay the election is upon them. This downward trend of voter turnout can be traced.

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Less than half of the eligible electorate showed up at the polls for the U. While lower turnout has marred previous presidential elections, 's voter turnout dipped below 50 percent for the first time in more than 30 years.

The Real Independent Voter

It appears that the people's increasing cynicism about politicians that they lie to get elected and the perception that people have no respect or confidence in the.]

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