The Problem Of Computer Security -

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Product and service reviews are conducted independently by our editorial team, but we sometimes make money when you click on links. Learn more. Each second, more than 77 terabytes of internet traffic takes place online. As such, the internet has become a digital Silk Road that facilitates nearly every facet of modern life. And just as ancient merchants were sometimes beset by bandits on the actual Silk Road, today's entrepreneurs can easily find themselves under attack from cyber malcontents working to derail companies through theft and disruption. In recent years, headlines have spotlighted crippling cyberattacks against major corporations. While each corporate cyberattack resulted in millions of dollars in damages, most stories fail to mention the many data breaches that affect much softer targets: small businesses. The Problem Of Computer Security

The biggest risk to an organisation's network security is human error, according to a new report. The research by the Department of Trade and Industry found that over a third of respondents either wrote down their password on a piece of paper or recorded it somewhere on their computer. The study also found that nearly two-thirds of the UK adults questioned said they never changed their passwords.

Cyberattacks can disrupt your business. This primer can help you stand up to bad actors.

Minister for Science and Innovation Malcolm Wicks said that the survey found that a large number of people were "careless with passwords, unwittingly exposing themselves and their company to fraud and theft. He added that the UK lost million to credit card fraud last year and that 62 per cent of companies experienced a network security incident. Wicks said that this was a problem that needed to be fixed. The department has embarked continue reading four projects aimed at increasing network security by cutting down the risk of human error. Each of the projects will use behavioural science to tackle human error.

The Problem Of Computer Security

The DTI has given the projects 4 million in total. Among the successful projects are a project, run by BAE Systems and Loughborough University aimed at developing new ways of assessing an organisation's security risk and the human factors involved. Also, another project run by HPMerrill Lynch, the University of Bath, the University of Newcastle and University College London will develop a predictive framework to assess the effectiveness security policies that regulate interactions between people and information systems.

The Problem Of Computer Security

The other two projects will look at digital communication analysis to look for potential security threats and tools to identify human vulnerabilities in network security. The projects are part of the DTI's Network Security Innovation Platform, which was set up to develop new ideas to improve network security.

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The DTI said that it estimated that development of this research could represent an extra million market for businesses in the UK. Accelerate digital transformation with enterprise apps on the cloud. The risks and rewards of moving enterprise applications to a multi-cloud environment.]

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