The President Of The Vice President -

The President Of The Vice President Video

The high-wire act of being vice president

The President Of The Vice President - not absolutely

Kamala Harris , the groundbreaking senator from California, has made history again -- set to become the first female vice president and woman of color in the White House. Harris, 56, the daughter of immigrants, is expected to win the contest for the second-highest office after Joe Biden became the apparent winner in the crucial battleground state of Pennsylvania, putting him over the threshold of electoral votes needed to win the presidency. We have a lot of work ahead of us. In another post, she shared a short clip of her speaking on the phone with the projected president-elect. We did it, Joe. You're going to be the next president of the United States," she said in the video. When Biden announced Harris as his running mate in August , he said, "I know a thing or two about being vice president. More than anything, I know it can't be a political decision. The President Of The Vice President

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The President Of The Vice President.

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The former prosecutor and senator is the first woman to fill her upcoming White House role. What does her life so far tell us about how she will govern? Sun 8 Nov She was the first female district attorney of San Francisco, the first female attorney general of California, the first Indian American in the US Senate, the The President Of The Vice President Indian American candidate of a major party to run for vice-president. Soon she will become the first female vice-president. If Joe Biden only serves one term, as expected, there is a chance that in she could become the first black female president.

Her mother, a breast cancer researcher, was born in India. Her father, an economist, is black and was born in Jamaica. Harris, meanwhile, was born in Oakland, California. Which, to be very clear, means the year-old is a natural-born US citizen and eligible to run for president.

It's not easy being the first but for Kamala Harris it has become a habit

Above: Harris, right, with Gwen Whitfield at an anti-apartheid protest in during her freshman year at Howard University in Washington. Photograph: AP. Canada has also laid claim to Harris: she lived in Montreal between the ages of 12 and 17 because her mother got a job there.

To begin with, Harris found it hard to find her feet — not least because the first school she went to was Francophone. Before long, however, Harris had thrown herself into an all-female dance troupe called Midnight Magic and, when not dancing, was Presidenf demonstrations.

Harris Pays Tribute to Women Who Came Before Her

Aged 13, she mobilised the neighbourhood children to protest against rules that stopped them playing on the lawn in front of their apartment building. The protest was a success. Later, when the Canadian version of prom rolled around, Harris was part of a group who decided to go without a date so that people who had not been asked out would not feel left out. But is Harris a hTe or an activist? source

The President Of The Vice President

Is she pragmatic or progressive? These are questions that have been debated for years. Her tough-on-truancy laws led to parents of habitually truant schoolchildren going to jail.

The President Of The Vice President

After the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, she rejected calls from civil rights groups to investigate deadly police shootings in San Francisco. She has since spoken out against police brutality.]

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