The National Security Strategy -

The National Security Strategy - think

In a young century, opportunities for America abound, but risks to our security remain. This new National Security Strategy positions the United States to safeguard our national interests through strong and sustainable leadership. It sets out the principles and priorities to guide the use of American power and influence in the world. It advances a model of American leadership rooted in the foundation of Americas economic and technological strength and the values of the American people. It redoubles our commit-ment to allies and partners and welcomes the constructive contributions of responsible rising powers. It signals our resolve and readiness to deter and, if necessary, defeat potential adversaries. It affirms Americas leadership role within a rules-based international order that works best through empowered citizens, responsible states, and effective regional and international organizations. And it serves as a compass for how this Administration, in partnership with the Congress, will lead the world through a shifting security landscape toward a more durable peace and a new prosperity. This strategy builds on the progress of the last 6 years, in which our active leadership has helped the world recover from a global economic crisis and respond to an array of emerging challenges. Our progress includes strengthening an unrivaled alliance system, underpinned by our enduring partner-ship with Europe, while investing in nascent multilateral forums like the G and East Asia Summit. The National Security Strategy The National Security Strategy

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The U. How North Korea conducts intricate and sweeping cyberattacks against the United Scurity and its allies to acquire funds to support its illicit nuclear proliferation efforts The DoD needs a systematic approach—a technology strategy—for how to prioritize technology investments By Sarah Mineiro. President-elect Joe Biden facing mounting hurdles to reenter the Iran nuclear deal as the Trump administration uses its final days in office to try to cement its so-called By Kaleigh Thomas.

The National Security Strategy

Instead of withdrawing all U. President Donald Trump is planning to withdraw more US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, bringing a few thousand more service members home but still falling short of his promi By Dr.

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Jason Dempsey. But other Russians have not been so circumspect. By Edward Fishman. By Billy Fabian. Cooperation with allies and partners is vital for achieving U.

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Erlanger is the chief diplomatic correspon As North Korea continues to successfully evade U. By Jason Bartlett.

The National Security Strategy

Watch the full interview on Fox and Friends Fir]

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