His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic.

It has been interpreted as exploring themes of alienationexistential anxietyguiltand absurdity. The term Kafkaesque has entered the English language to describe situations like those found in his writing. Kafka was born into a middle-class German-Jewish family in Praguethe capital of the Kingdom of Bohemiathen part of the Austro-Hungarian Empiretoday the capital of the Czech Republic.
Over the course of his life, Kafka wrote hundreds of letters to family and close friends, including his father, with whom he had a strained and formal relationship. He became engaged to several women but never married. He died in at the age of 40 from tuberculosis.
The eNotated Metamorphosis Summary
Few of Kafka's works were published during his lifetime: the story collections Betrachtung Contemplation and Ein Landarzt A Country Doctorand individual stories such as " Die Verwandlung " were published in literary magazines but received little public attention. His work has influenced a vast range of writers, critics, artists, and philosophers during the 20th and 21st centuries. His family were The Metamorphosis and the Life of Franz middle-class The Metamorphosis and the Life of Franz Jews. His father, Hermann Kafka —was the fourth child of Jakob Kafka, [8] [9] a shochet or ritual slaughterer in Oseka Czech village with a large Jewish population located near Strakonice in southern Bohemia. After working as a travelling sales representative, he eventually became a fashion retailer who employed up to 15 people and used the image of a jackdaw kavka in Czech, pronounced and colloquially written as kafka as his business logo.
Kafka's parents probably spoke a German influenced by Yiddish that was sometimes pejoratively called Mauscheldeutschbut, as the German language was considered the vehicle of social mobility, they probably encouraged their children to speak Standard German. Ottilie was Kafka's favourite sister. Hermann Metaomrphosis described by the biographer Stanley Corngold as a "huge, selfish, overbearing businessman" [16] and by Franz Kafka as "a Lkfe Kafka in strength, health, appetite, loudness of voice, eloquence, self-satisfaction, worldly dominance, endurance, presence of mind, [and] knowledge of human nature".
Consequently, Kafka's childhood was somewhat lonely, [18] and the children were reared largely by a series of governesses and servants.
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The Kafka family had a servant girl living with them in a cramped apartment. Franz's room was often cold. In November the family moved into a bigger apartment, although Ellie and Valli had married and moved out of the first apartment.

In early Augustjust after World War I began, the sisters did not know where their husbands were in the Fganz and moved back in with the family in https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purdue-owl-research-paper/summary-and-analysis-the-fat-brain-axis.php larger apartment. Both Ellie and Valli also had children. Franz at age 31 moved into Valli's former apartment, quiet by contrast, and lived by himself for the first time.
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His Jewish education ended with his bar mitzvah celebration at the age of Kafka never enjoyed attending the synagogue and went with his father only on four high holidays a year. German was the language of instruction, but Kafka also spoke and wrote in Czech. In addition, law required a longer course of study, giving Kafka time to take classes in German studies and art history. At the end of his first year of studies, Kafka met Max Broda fellow law student who became a close friend for life. On 1 NovemberKafka was hired at the Assicurazioni Generalian insurance company, where he worked for nearly a year. His correspondence during that period indicates that he was unhappy with a work schedule—from until [42] [43] The Metamorphosis and the Life of Franz made it extremely difficult to concentrate on writing, which was assuming increasing importance to him.
On 15 Julyhe resigned. Two weeks later, he found employment more amenable to writing when he joined the Worker's Accident Insurance Institute for the Kingdom of Bohemia.]
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