The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on -

The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on

The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on - what words

By subscribing I accept the terms of use. Politics Diaspora Opinion. Jerusalem Post Diaspora Antisemitism. The Nuremberg Trials - 75 years on After six years of war, the Allied powers came together to deliver justice on Nazi leaders who had caused the deaths of millions of people. Nazi defendants appear at the Nuremberg Trials. Friday, November 20, marks 75 years since the beginning of the Nuremberg Trials, when the political, military, judicial, and economic leaders of Nazi Germany were put on trial for war crimes at the end of WWII. Tags Nazis nazi nazi war criminals wwii Nuremberg Trials. Subscribe for our daily newsletter. Hot Opinion. Most Read. The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on

The trials were most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, judicial, and economic leadership of Nazi Germanywho planned, carried out, or otherwise participated in the Holocaust and other war crimes. The trials were held in NurembergGermany, and their decisions marked a turning point between classical and contemporary international law. The first and best tthe of the trials was that of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal IMT.

It The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on described as "the greatest trial in history" by Sir Norman Birkettone of the British judges present throughout. Primarily treated here is the first trial, conducted by the International Tials Tribunal. Further trials of lesser war criminals were conducted under Control Council Law No. The categorization of the crimes and the constitution the court represented a juridical advance that would be followed afterward by the United Nations for the development of an international jurisprudence in matters of war crimescrimes against humanityand wars of aggressionand led to the creation of the International Criminal Court.

For the first time in international lawthe Nuremberg indictments also mention genocide count three, war crimes: "the extermination of racial and national groups, against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories to destroy particular races and classes of people and national, racial, or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, and Gypsies and others.

The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on

A precedent for trying those accused of war crimes had been set at the end of World War I in the Leipzig War Crimes Trials held in May to July before the Reichsgericht German Supreme Court in Leipzigalthough these had been on a very limited scale and largely regarded as ineffectual. At the beginning ofthe Polish government-in-exile asked the British and French governments to condemn the German invasion of their country. The British initially declined to do so; however, in Aprila joint declaration was issued by the British, French, and Polish. Relatively bland because of Anglo-French reservations, it proclaimed the trio's "desire to make a formal and public protest to the conscience of the world against the action of the German government whom they must hold responsible for these crimes which cannot remain unpunished.

Three-and-a-half years later, the stated intention to The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on the Germans was much more trenchant. On 1 Novemberthe Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States published their "Declaration German Atrocities in Occupied Europe"which gave a "full warning" that, when the Nazis were defeated, the Allies would "pursue them to the uttermost ends of the earth The above declaration is without prejudice to the case of the major war criminals whose offenses have no particular geographical location and who will be punished by a joint decision of the Government of the Allies.

British War Cabinet documents, released on 2 Januaryshowed that as early as December the Cabinet had discussed their policy for the punishment of the leading Nazis if captured.

The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on

The British Prime MinisterWinston Churchillhad then advocated a policy of summary execution in some circumstances, with the use The Influence of the Nuremberg Trials on an Act of Attainder to circumvent legal obstacles, being dissuaded from this only by talks with US and Soviet leaders later in the war. In lateduring the Tripartite Dinner Meeting at the Tehran Conferencethe Soviet leader, Joseph Stalinproposed executing 50,—, German staff officers. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt joked that perhaps 49, would do. Churchill, believing them to be serious, denounced the idea of "the cold-blooded execution of soldiers who fought for their country" and that he would rather be "taken out in the courtyard and shot" himself than partake in any such action.

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Churchill was vigorously opposed to executions "for political purposes. Henry Morgenthau Jr. The plan advocated the forced de-industrialisation of Germany and the summary execution of so-called "arch-criminals", i. Later, details were leaked in the US generating widespread NNuremberg by the nation's newspapers and propaganda was published about the plan in Germany. Roosevelt, aware of strong public disapprovalabandoned the plan, but did not adopt an alternative position on the matter. The demise of the Morgenthau Plan created the need for an alternative method of dealing with the Nazi leadership.

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Stimson and the War Department. Following Roosevelt's death in Aprilthe new president, Harry S. Trumangave strong approval for a judicial process.]

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