![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Human Mind For Millennia](http://journalpsyche.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Understanding-human-mind1.jpg)
The Human Mind For Millennia - useful
Author: Created by philrow. Created: Nov 22, Updated: Feb 22, The implications for our children are staggering and have focused the attention of many educationalists around the world on the early years of child development. Learn about the amazing development of your child's brain in those first crucial six months of life. More importantly discover how you can have a massively positive or negative influence on his development. The Human Mind For MillenniaKing of Kings
In a paper published this week in the journal Frontiers of Physicsa duo of researchers from Italy investigated the similarities between the network of neurons in the human brain and the cosmic network of galaxies. Top: neurons and glial cells. Bottom: the Millennium Simulation Tye the Universe.

The human brain is a complex temporally and spatially multiscale structure in which cellular, molecular and neuronal phenomena coexist. It can be modeled as a hierarchical network, in which neurons cluster into circuits, columns, and different interconnected functional areas. The structure of the neuronal network allows the linking between different areas, all devoted to process specific spatiotemporal activities over their neurons, forming the physical and biological basis of cognition. The Universe, according to the large collection of telescope data gathered over many decades, seems to be reasonably well described by a physical model called the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model, which accounts for gravity from ordinary and dark matter, for the expanding space-time described by general relativity, and for the anti-gravitational energy associated to the empty space, called the dark energy. Such model presently gives the best picture of how The Human Mind For Millennia structures have emerged from the expanding background and have formed the cosmic web.
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The most important building blocks of the cosmic web are self-gravitating dark matter dominated halos, in which ordinary matter has collapsed to form galaxies. The initial distribution of matter density fluctuations was early amplified by the action of gravity, https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/gregorys-punctuation-checker-tool/the-effect-of-data-on-a-company.php has developed into larger groups or clusters of galaxies, filaments, matter sheets, and voids, in a large-scale web in all directions in space.
Although the relevant physical interactions in the above two systems are completely different, their observation through microscopic and telescopic techniques have captured a tantalizing similar morphology, to the point that it has often been noted that the cosmic web and the Millennja of neurons look alike. Franco Vazza, The Human Mind For Millennia astrophysicist at the University of Bologna.

Vazza and his colleague, University of Verona neurosurgeon Alberto Feletti, also calculated some parameters characterizing both the neuronal network and the cosmic web: the average number of connections in each node and the tendency of clustering several connections in relevant central nodes within the network. Feletti said. Physpublished online November 16, ; doi: Sign in. Log into your account. Forgot your password? Password recovery.

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