The Human Immune Deficiency Virus -

The Human Immune Deficiency Virus The Human Immune Deficiency Virus

Incubation period of grownups differ from individual to individual, some of them can incubate up to 10 old ages. Most of Vkrus, who have HIV during the incubation period, their organic structure is unhurt, it seems healthy. When the organic structure is infected by the virus, the white blood cells in the organic structure will of course make antibodies to contend off the virus. If the HIV antibody trial consequences confirmed that the organic structure, it means that this individual has been infected with the HIV. Until this minute, there is no dependable vaccinum to Deifciency HIV. Biopsychosocial Model The chief paths of HIV transmittal are sexual behavior, contaminated blood transfusions and subcutaneous acerate leafs, from female parent to child during gestation and blood and blood merchandises including unreal insemination, skin transplants and organ grafts.

A Biological causes 1. The sexual organ of Human is cover by a thin mucose membrane, seeds and vaginal secernments, which are contain the virus will reach these topographic point straight through sexual behavior, so that the virus will direct to other people in this The Human Immune Deficiency Virus.

Individual wound contact the blood of HIV patient. Any fishy to HIV-infected people should non utilize the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service for proving the HIV antibody, as the first three months of HIV-infected, the organic structure is unable to bring forth adequate antibodies, therefore failed the testing, but blood it The Human Immune Deficiency Virus the virus, if this clip donate blood, the virus may go through to others.


B Psychological causes Sexual transmittal Nowadays, most of immature people are funny on sex, they want to source sexual behavior, so that they will seek to travel to wench and sex without rubber. Besides some of immature misss, who want to gain fast money, they will whoredom, therefore increases the hazard of infect HIV.

The Human Immune Deficiency Virus

Transmission through blood Besides teenager behavior is base on their equal, if their friends drugs, they will follow. C Social causes 1. Sharing HIV-infected acerate leafs for drug injection. Use of HIV-infected medical equipment without right disinfection processs. Impacts Unfortunately, if single confirmed to be infected with HIV, both of psychological and physiological they may get down to confront different of troubles.

A Physiological degree Patient demand to accept the fact of disease and face of the decease all of a sudden, but it is easier said than done.

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Besides by and large, hospitalization required isolation, therefore increases patient solitariness, so may do to depression and squinch. C Social degree Patient does non cognize how to inform and confront their household and friends, they afraid that the relationship between their household, friends and them will breakdown.

The Human Immune Deficiency Virus

Besides societal life will break up Immunee insulate. Furthermore they may confront many force per unit area from household, friends and society, the followers are some force per unit areas that may confront. A The disease adaptation per unit area As patients is damage to the immune system, ever infect by virus, after they start the medicine of drug Hujan, the side effects will allow them alterations of their face or organic structure, or caused to malignant neoplastic disease, etc.

Disease ever impact on patient endurance beliefs straight. In add-on, place disposal, environmental version and etc, besides let patients increase their force per unit area. C Https:// version force per unit area They may afraid that if their disease goes public, they will be face to The Human Immune Deficiency Virus, label by others, therefore theyA feel inferior and stray themselves, besides bad relationship between household and patient, so that life will lessening.

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D Emotional job Patient may experience multiple senses of loss, A isolated, A fright, defeat, A compunction andA choler. Tocopherol The version of economic force per unit area Frequently medical intervention whether the work can go on? Physical transmutation whether the work can execute?

The Human Immune Deficiency Virus

Besides wellness is a demand of life, non the end of life. Furthermore, wellness publicity is the procedure of enabling people to raise control over their wellness and its determiners, and therefore better their wellness.

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The followers are some wellness publicity. Develop personal cognition and accomplishment Run workshop for community members Create HIV resources and runs Post wellness information on the wellness section web site 2. Enhance community actions Provide extended voluntary chance Administer the healthy Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender communities fund Keep the Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender resource Centre Participate in Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender community enterprises and events 3.

Build supportive environment The Human Immune Deficiency Virus of stigma and favoritism Help the sex on premises venue forum Strengthen the safe sex civilization 4. Re-educate wellness service Provide Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender consciousness preparation Provide civilization consciousness preparation Talk about the barriers to Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender wellness Produce information on Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender wellness issues to serve 5.]

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