The Hitler Youth And The Nazi Youth Video
Former member of the Hitler Youth - Gribnitz, Gary V - Georgia in WWIIThe Hitler Youth And The Nazi Youth - opinion
Their distinctive belt buckle was introduced in Die struck steel buckle with a nickle silver wash. The buckle features an embossed HJ style national eagle, with down-swept wings, clutching an HJ diamond to the center on a slightly pebbled background field. The eagle is encompassed by a circular ribbed background border with a simulated twisted rope trim to both the inner and outer edges. The reverse of the buckle is a mirror image of the obverse. The Hitler Youth And The Nazi YouthIn stock.
Item Description
New Made Item: This is not the cheap version out of China. Instead these are top quality high carbon steel construction reproductions made exclusively for IMA by one the worlds best edged weapon makers a contractor to the USMC. Now is your chance to get an exceptional Hitler Youth knife at a fraction of the cost! Copied from an original in the IMA collection this transitional HJ knife is nickel-plated Youtn a steel base.

The motto Blut und Ehre! Blood and Honor! The "bakelite" dense plastic grip plates are closely checkered and retained by nickel-plated rivets with dressed obverse heads.
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The HJ insignia is crisp and well detailed. The scabbard shell is a near perfect match with correct black paint and a complete leather hanger with belt loop and retainer loop are also included to complete the piece.

Hitler believed German youth to be the future of his 3rd Reich. The Hitler Youth Hitler Jugend was formed officially inand with the exception of National Socialist ideology indoctrination was very similar to the Boy Scouts.
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The boys only were given HJ Knives after having passed minor exams. The knives had nickeled hilts with black checkered grip plates.
The obverse plate was fitted with an enameled HJ swastika insignia. Throughthese knives were etched with the motto of the organization, Blut und Ehre!]
What necessary words... super, magnificent idea
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