The Effects Of Media On Young Children -

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The Effects of Media on Young Children The Effects Of Media On Young Children The Effects Of Media On Young Children

Recent research has shown that connections between children playing violent video games can cause later aggressive behavioral problems.

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In retrospect studies have also shown a twelve percent increase in aggressive behavior after watching violent television as well. Some parents and The Effects Of Media On Young Children have said that there are children who benefit from the proficiency and coordination of playing video games while others disagree. Critics of video games article source that watching violent television is less detrimental due to the children not physically playing out the violence.

Research has also shown heavy viewers, which is four or more hours a day, put in less effort at school, have poorer reading skills, play less friendly with friends, have fewer hobbies and activities, and are more likely to be overweight. The American Psychological Association says there are three major effects of watching violence in the media i. Everything that children see or hear in the media early on in their lives affects them in some way. Positive parenting role models indicate that in the best interest of our children we should limit their exposure to violent acts. Unfortunately, violence is one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Over sixty percent of television shows being shown in prime time contain some form of violence.

The Effects Of Media On Young Children

There are two very opposite sides of this issue. The media who market the violent television, video games and other forms of entertainment argue this is safe entertainment and the others argue that violence promotes violence.

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Cherokee Indians research tends to agree with the proponents who argue that violent media is associated with aggressive behavior. Risky behavior by children and young adults can include violence against others, lack of remorse for consequences. The type of faulty thinking creates stressors in children which can lead to the onset of many different symptoms. Children who view media violence are more likely to have increased feelings of hostility, decreased emotional response to the portrayal of violence and injury that lead to violent behavior through imitation. An example here would be the television show Jack Ass. There have been several accidents related to young men attempting stunts that are done on the show.

The act of imitating what they have seen on a television show causes injury to themselves or others around them.

This is similar to the studies of domestic violence where children who are exposed to violence either become offenders or victims because they believe that what they are exposed to is the norm. One instance that brought the worry of violence in media is the Columbine incident.

The Effects Of Media On Young Children

The two young men that committed this act of violence were said to have played numerous hours of violent video games. Their exposure to violence is said to have been the cause since the children involved in Columbine came from secure home environments Medla active parental influence. As with Michael Carneal, from Kentucky, who in shot and killed three of his classmates.

He too was also said to have been a video game fanatic.

Eight of those shots were hits. Three were head and neck shots and were kills.

The Effects Of Media On Young Children

That is way beyond the military standard for expert marksmanship. These two instances in a whole may be small evidence however, proves that violent media play a role in such violence. According to this view, the more children practice violent acts, the more likely they are to perform violent acts Cesarone, In most video games women are usually portrayed as persons who are acted upon rather than as initiators of action, in the extreme they are depicted as victims.]

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