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The Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity Video

Religion: Crash Course Sociology #39 The Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity The Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity

The term multiculturalism has a range of meanings within the contexts of sociologyof political philosophyand of Diverdity use. In sociology and in everyday usage, it is a synonym for " ethnic pluralism ", with the two terms often used interchangeably, for example, a cultural pluralism [1] in which various ethnic groups collaborate and enter into a dialogue with one another without having to sacrifice their particular identities.

The Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity

It can describe a mixed ethnic community area where multiple cultural traditions exist such as New York City or Trieste or a single country within which they source such as Switzerland, Belgium or Russia. Groups associated with an indigenousaboriginal or autochthonous ethnic group and settler-descended ethnic groups are often the focus.

In reference to sociology, multiculturalism is the end-state of either a natural or artificial process for example: legally-controlled immigration and occurs on either a large national scale or on a smaller scale within a nation's communities.

The Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity

On a smaller scale this can occur artificially when a jurisdiction is established or expanded by amalgamating areas with two or more different cultures e. French Canada and English Canada. On a large scale, it can occur as a result of either legal or illegal migration to and from different jurisdictions around the world for example, Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain by Angles, Saxons and Jutes in the 5th century or the colonization of the Americas Effcts Europeans, Africans and Asians since the 16th century.

The Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity

In reference to political science, multiculturalism can be defined as a state's capacity to effectively and efficiently deal with cultural plurality within its sovereign borders. Multiculturalism as a political philosophy involves ideologies and policies which vary widely.


The concept of multiculturalism was prevalent since ancient times. The Achaemenid Empire founded by Cyrus the Great followed a policy of incorporating and tolerating various cultures. A historical example of multiculturalism was the Habsburg monarchywhich had broken up in and under whose roof many different ethnic, linguistic and religious groups lived together. One of the foundations of this centuries-old state structure Culural the Habsburg source of "live and let live".

Today's topical issues such as social and cultural differentiation, multilingualism, competing identity offers or multiple cultural identities have already shaped the scientific theories of many thinkers of this multi-ethnic empire.

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In many areas, these ethnic mosaics no longer exist today. The ethnic mix of that time can only be experienced in a few areas, such as in the former Habsburg port city of Trieste. In the political philosophy of multiculturalism, ideas are focused on the ways in which societies are either believed to or should, respond to cultural and Christian differences.

It is often associated with "identity politics", "the politics of difference", and "the politics of recognition". It is also a matter of economic interests and political power. It is within this context in which the term is most commonly understood and the broadness and scope of the definition, as well as its practical use, has been the subject of serious debate.


Most debates over multiculturalism center around whether or not multiculturalism is the appropriate way to deal with diversity and immigrant integration. The arguments regarding the perceived rights to a multicultural education include the proposition that it acts as a way to demand recognition of aspects of a group's culture subordination and its entire experience in contrast to a melting pot or non-multicultural Cutlural.

The Canadian government has often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration.]

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