The Creation Of A Middle Eastern Identity -

The Creation Of A Middle Eastern Identity The Creation Of A Middle Eastern Identity.

Cutting through assumptions about Britain's support for a "national home for the Jewish people" in the creation of British Palestine, Carly Beckerman explores why and how elite political battles in London inadvertently laid the foundations for the Idenfity of the State of Israel. Contrary to established literature, Beckerman argues that British policy toward the territory was dominated by seemingly unrelated domestic and international political battles that left little room for considerations of Zionist or Palestinian interests and arguments.

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Beckerman instead shows how the policy process was aimed at resolving issues such as coalition feuds, party leadership battles, spending cuts, and riots in India. Middle East Policy U. Policy-Chomsky U. Wars U. Year: Share this item:.

The Creation Of A Middle Eastern Identity

Pin it! The Israel Lobby and U.

The Creation Of A Middle Eastern Identity

Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M.]

The Creation Of A Middle Eastern Identity

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