The Computer Science Program At University Of -

The Computer Science Program At University Of - something

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A grant from the Center for Inclusive Computing here initiatives to attract undergraduate women to a high-demand major and support them along the way. Strategies supported by the grant include initiatives to attract and retain women in computer sciences, develop programs that address disparities, and create a community of support for women. In an era when career opportunities in computer sciences are plentiful, women continue to be underrepresented in computer sciences programs across the country, including at UW-Madison.

The Computer Science Program At University Of

Photo provided by the Department of Computer Sciences. Prkgram from the grant will allow the computer sciences department to expand pathways for students including strategies to encourage students to enroll in entry level classes, augmenting curricula to create smoother transitions from entry level to more advanced coursework, and providing staff support and funding to develop community and cohorts.

The Computer Science Program At University Of

Women must be at the table in shaping the future of technology, but that can only happen if we inspire, educate, and create opportunities. Funded schools are expected to address the barriers to broadening participation in their programs, and substantially increase the number of women graduating in five years. The department offers a dynamic environment for study, research, and professional growth along with world-class research groups in computer architecture, database systems, distributed and grid computing, and nonlinear optimization.

In the department, Sciemce and private sector collaboration is the norm, and innovative discoveries have seeded many start-ups, including those that have been supported or purchased by companies such as Apple and Google.

Applicants must show proof of high-school completion

The mission of the Center for Inclusive Computing at Northeastern University Universiity to increase the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in computing through evidence-based practices. Back to News UW focuses on engaging women in computer sciences A grant from the Center for Inclusive Computing supports initiatives to attract undergraduate women to a high-demand major and support them along the way.

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