The Civil War The Second Great Awakening -

The Civil War The Second Great Awakening Video

APUSH Chapter 15: The Ferment of Reform and Culture (Second Great Awakening + Jacksonian Era Reform) The Civil War The Second Great Awakening

Christianity was introduced to North America as it was colonized by Europeans beginning in the 16th and 17th centuries. Because the Spanish were the first Europeans to establish settlements on the mainland of North Americasuch as St. Augustine, Floridainthe earliest Christians in the territory which would eventually become the United States were Roman Catholics.

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However, the territory that would become the Thirteen Colonies in was largely populated by Protestants due to Protestant settlers seeking religious freedom from the Church of England est. These settlers were primarily Puritans from East Angliaespecially just before the English Civil War — ; there were also some Anglicans and Catholics but these were far fewer in number. Because of the predominance of Protestants The Civil War The Second Great Awakening those coming from England, the English colonies became almost entirely Protestant by the time of the American Revolution.

Catholicism first came to the territories now forming the United States just before the Protestant Reformation with the Spanish conquistadors and settlers in present-day Florida and the southwest. Michael records. In the French territories, Catholicism was ushered in with the establishment of colonies and forts in DetroitSt. In the late 17th century, French expeditions, which included sovereign, religious and commercial check this out, established a foothold on the Mississippi River and Gulf Coast.

With its first settlements, France lay claim to a vast region of North America and set out to establish a commercial empire and French nation stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. The French colony of Louisiana originally claimed all the land on both sides of the Mississippi River and the lands that drained into it. Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in The Civil War The Second Great Awakening 17th century by men and women, who, in the face of European religious persecutionrefused to compromise passionately held religious convictions largely stemming from the Protestant Reformation which began c.

The Civil War The Second Great Awakening

The Church of England was legally established in the Colony of Virginia inand authorities in England sent in 22 Anglican clergyman by In practice, establishment meant that local taxes were funneled through The Civil War The Second Great Awakening local parish to handle the needs link local Awakehing, such as roads and poor relief, in addition to the salary of the minister. There never was a bishop in colonial Virginia, and in practice the Awwkening vestry consisting of laymen controlled the parish. As in England, the parish became a unit of local importance.

It was led spiritually by a rector and governed by a vestry — a committee of members who were generally respected in the community. A typical parish contained three or four churches, as the parish churches needed to be close enough for people to travel to worship services, where attendance was expected of everyone. Parishes typically had a church farm or " glebe " to help support it financially.

The Civil War The Second Great Awakening

The colonists were typically inattentive, uninterested, and bored during church services, according to the ministers, who complained that the people were sleeping, whispering, ogling the fashionably dressed women, walking about and coming and going, or at best looking link the windows or staring blankly into space.

This allowed devout Anglicans to lead an active and sincere religious life apart from the unsatisfactory formal church services. The stress on personal piety opened the way for the First Great Awakeningwhich pulled people away from the established church. A group which later became known as the Pilgrims settled the Plymouth Colony in PlymouthMassachusettsinseeking refuge from conflicts in England which led up to the English Civil War. The Puritansa much larger group than the Pilgrims, established the Massachusetts Bay Colony in with settlers.

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Puritans were English Protestants who wished to reform and purify the Church of England in the New World of what they considered to be unacceptable residues of Roman Catholicism. Within two years, an additional 2, settlers arrived. Beginning inas many as 20, Puritans emigrated to America from England to gain the liberty to worship as they chose. Most settled in New England, but some went as far as the West Indies. Theologically, the Puritans were "non-separating Congregationalists ". The Puritans created a deeply religious, socially tight-knit and politically innovative culture that is still present in the modern United States. They hoped this new land would serve as a " redeemer nation ".

The Civil War The Second Great Awakening

TThe The Salem witch trialsby the Puritans, were a series of hearings before local magistrates followed by county court trials to prosecute people accused of witchcraft in EssexSuffolk and Middlesex counties of colonial Massachusettsbetween February and May Over people were arrested and imprisoned, with even more accused but not formally pursued by the authorities.

The two courts convicted twenty-nine people of the capital felony of witchcraft.]

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