The Case Of The Floundering Expatriate -

The Case Of The Floundering Expatriate

The Case Of The Floundering Expatriate Video

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The Case Of The Floundering Expatriate

Yeah, that place out 'there'. Anything not really Cambodia related should go here. Previous topic Next topic 29 posts Previous 1 2 3. Re: Europe relapsing back into a Covd nightmare?

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So why all the measures then? I understand nobody in government wants to get the blame for deathsState debts have exploded.

The Case Of The Floundering Expatriate

Everyone was scared. Nobody knew how this was going to play out.

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People were genuinely frightened and there was some acceptance that governments didn't quite know what they were doing. It made sense to most people that we shut ourselves away until those in charge had enough data to start making more informed decisions. We're now eight months or click here down the line and a lot has changed.

Many of those who had accepted that catching the virus was inevitable have found that it wasn't quite as inevitable as they first thought. While it remains a highly contagious disease, the fact is that the majority have still not become infected. And the overwhelming majority of those who have been infected, have come off largely unscathed.

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This has, understandably, led many to relax their guard and in most cases, not only ignore the instructions and restrictions put in place, but to view them with a large dose of contempt. The fact that there have been so many mixed, confusing and difficult to understand messages from governments has not helped at all. When I say 'difficult to understand', I don't mean the instructions are difficult to understand, I mean the logic behind them has been so contradictory, people have lost all faith in what they're being told.]

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