The Biggest Software Disasters -

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The report also provides the market impact and new opportunities created due to the COVID pandemic. Request free sample pages. This press release features multimedia. Our Disaster Recovery as a Service Market procurement intelligence report offers actionable procurement intelligence insights, sourcing strategies, and action plans to mitigate risks arising out of the current pandemic situation. The insights offered by our reports will help procurement professionals streamline supply chain operations and gain insights into the best procurement practices to mitigate losses. Insights to help buyers identify and shortlist the most suitable suppliers for their Disaster Recovery As A Service Market requirements. This procurement report answers the following questions:. To get instant access to over market-ready procurement intelligence reports without any additional costs or commitment, Subscribe Now for Free. Insights into strategies that will help buyers optimize their category management practices. The Biggest Software Disasters The Biggest Software Disasters The Biggest Software Disasters

The s pronounced "twenty-tens" The Biggest Software Disasters "two thousand [and] tens", shortened to "the '10s" [1] [2] was a decade of the Gregorian calendar that began on 1 January and ended on 31 December The Bkggest began amid a global financial crisis and subsequent international recession dating from the late s. The resulting European sovereign-debt crisis became more pronounced early in the decade and continued to affect the possibility of a global economic recovery. Economic issues, such as austerityinflationand an increase in commodity prices, led to unrest in many countries, including the M and Occupy movements.

The Biggest Software Disasters

Unrest in some countries — particularly in the Arab world — evolved into socioeconomic crises triggering revolutions in TunisiaEgyptand Bahrain as well as civil wars in LibyaSyriaand Yemen in a widespread phenomenon commonly The Biggest Software Disasters to as the Arab Https:// Shifting social attitudes saw LGBT rights and female representation make substantial progress during the decade, particularly in the West and parts of Asia and Africa.

The United States continued to retain its global superpower status while an assertive Chinaalong with launching vast economic initiatives and military reformssought to expand its influence in the South China Sea and in Africasolidifying its position as a potential superpower ; global competition between China and the U. Elsewhere in Asia, the Koreas improved their relations after a prolonged crisis and the War on Terror continued as Osama bin Laden was assassinated by U.


The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant extremist organization in erased the borders between Syria and Iraq, resulting in a multinational intervention that also saw the demise of its leader. The European Union experienced a migrant crisis in the middle of the decade and the historic United Kingdom EU membership referendum followed by withdrawal negotiations during its later years.

Russia attempted to assert itself in international affairs annexing Crimea in Information technology progressed, with smartphones becoming The Biggest Software Disasters. The Internet of things saw substantial growth during the s due to advancements in Tge networking devices, mobile telephony, and cloud computing.

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Advancements in data processing and the rollout of 4G broadband allowed data and information to disperse among domains at paces never before seen while online resources such as social media facilitated phenomena such as the Me Too movement and the rise of slacktivism and online call-out culture. Edward Snowden blew the whistle on global surveillanceraising awareness on the role governments and private entities have in mass The Biggest Software Disasters and information privacy.

Global warming became increasingly noticeable through new record temperatures in different years and extreme weather events on all continents. At the same time, combating pollution and climate change continued to be major concerns, as protests, initiatives, and legislation garnered substantial media attention. Particularly, the Paris Agreement was adopted and a global Softqare youth movement was formed.

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The Biggest Software Disasters Superhero and animated films became box office leaders, with the Marvel Cinematic UniverseFrozen and Despicable Me franchises being the most prominent of that decade. Globalism and an increased demand for variety and personalization in the Biggezt of music streaming services such as Spotify created many subgenres. Dance, hip-hop, and pop music surged into the s, with EDM achieving mass commercial success. Digital music sales topped CD sales in The video game industry continued to be dominated by NintendoSonyand Microsoft ; Minecraft became the best-selling game of The Biggest Software Disasters time. The best-selling book of this decade was Fifty Shades of Grey. Successful revolutions and otherwise major protests of the decade include, but are not limited to:. The Arab Spring was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, see more armed rebellions that spread across much of the Islamic world in the early s.

It began in response to oppressive regimes and a low standard of livingstarting with protests in Tunisia. In many countries, the governments have also recognized the importance of social media for organizing and have shut down certain sites or blocked Internet service entirely, especially in Bigest times preceding a major rally.

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The most prominent terrorist attacks committed against civilian populations during the decade include, but The Biggest Software Disasters not limited to:. China was increasingly called a superpower in the early s, including at the meeting between President Hu Jintao and United States President Barack Obama. China overtook the U. China was projected to have the world's largest economy by with an estimated GDP per capita equal to the U. Along with China, a Vladimir Putin-led Russia also steadily increased its defense spending and continued to modernize its military capabilities throughout the decade, including the development of the T Armata main battle tank and the fifth-generation Sukhoi Su jet fighter.]

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