Storing Data On The Internet -

Storing Data On The Internet

Storing Data On The Internet Video

How does the Internet work? Where is the internet? Storing Data On The Internet

How to clear data collected or stored by Microsoft Edge

Get help for the legacy version of Microsoft Edge. Some people worry about their web browsing history being collected. We give here choices to control what data gets collected. We use this data to better understand how our products are performing and where improvements need to be made. This includes data from testing new experiences.

What counts as data usage?

On Windows 10, these settings are determined by your Windows diagnostic setting. In some cases, your diagnostic data settings might be managed by your organization. As you start to type, the info you enter in the address bar is sent to your default search provider to give you immediate search and website suggestions. Windows Defender SmartScreen automatically blocks websites and content downloads that are reported to be malicious.

What uses most Internet data?

When you go to one of these websites, it retrieves the DRM info to make sure you have permission to use the content. Some websites also use cookies to collect info about your online activity to show you interest-based advertising.

Storing Data On The Internet

Websites may still track your activities even when a Do Not Track request is sent, however. Under Clear browsing data, select Choose what to clear. Learn more about what gets deleted for each browser history item. To see your browsing history associated with your account, sign in to your account at account. In addition, you also have the option of clearing your browsing data that Microsoft has collected using the Microsoft privacy dashboard.

To learn more about privacy in Microsoft Edge, read see more Microsoft Edge privacy whitepaper. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No.

Storing Data On The Internet

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Storing Data On The Internet

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