Social Criticism in the Hunger Games and - mine
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Understanding Hunger Games: Media and Culture AnalysisBungie has acknowledged the outcry from angry Destiny 2 fans saying that Beyond Light is devoid of new loot, but it might be another season or two before more loot arrives.

Beyond Light is here, and with it comes a bunch of new Destiny 2 content and a bunch of controversy. Easily the largest controversy is the world loot pool, which appears to be almost exactly the same as the one from last season.
Ever since Forsaken, Destiny 2 players have come to expect a new expansion means a refreshed loot pool where every enemy has a chance to drop something completely new and exciting.
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Many players were supremely disappointed to find out on launch day that while Beyond Light does have new loot, it seems pretty sparse compared to the vast majority of drops which seem to be the same as what was available over the past year. Expect to see returning loot in future seasons after the current Season of the Hunt.

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