Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena -

Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena Video

Chapter 9.1: Pragmatic phenomena - Kuiper and Allan Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena

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Sign in Create an account. Syntax Advanced Search. The Logicality of Language: Contextualism vs. Semantic Minimalism. Guillermo Del Pinal.

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Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena

Despite its promise, Logicality vastly over-generates unacceptability assignments. Most solutions to this problem rest on specific stipulations about the properties of Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena formroughly, the level of linguistic representation which feeds into the interpretation proceduresand have substantial implications for traditional philosophical disputes about the nature of language. Specifically, Contextualism and Semantic Minimalism, construed as competing hypothesis about the nature and degree of context-sensitivity at the level of logical form, suggest different approaches to the over-generation problem.

In this paper, I explore the implications of pairing Logicality with various forms of Contextualism and Semantic Minimalism. I argue that, to adequately solve the over-generation Sfmantic, Logicality should be implemented in a constrained Contextualist framework. Analyticity in Philosophy of Language.

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Semantic Phenomena versus Pragmatic Phenomena

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