School Uniform Policy And School Uniforms Video
Do School Uniforms Help Students Learn? School Uniform Policy And School Uniforms.
Thank you to everyone who completed the school uniform survey last term. We had people respond. The results provided some clear feedback on which the School Uniform Working Party based its recommendations to School Council.
Our Location
Under our new soon to be signed supplier arrangement, the cost of the rugby jumper would have increased significantly and we feel that the V-neck windcheater provides a high quality, attractive and affordable alternative. We are currently finalising a uniform supply agreement contract with PSW. Uniforms will no longer be available from the school. Families will be able to purchase generic uniform items e.
Refer to our website for full details of the school uniform. This practice is not in the spirit of the donating uniforms for others in need. Parents and carers are encouraged to donate second hand uniforms that are still in good condition to the school.]

And indefinitely it is not far :)
It is remarkable, this very valuable message