Safeguarding in Health and Social Care - excellent message
This is a solution of Safeguarding in Health and Social care Assignment, prepared after a research on effects of abusing of mental health. As per the case study, people who depend on others, particularly elder people are targeted by abusers the most since they are not able to stop someone else from hurting them or taking their advantage. But can dependant people be abused mentally or physically only? The next section of the answer explains it. Many times, people learn to abuse others from their families or parents, in particular. They may have been abused themselves by their parents or seen their parents abusing someone else. Safeguarding in Health and Social CareSafeguarding in Health and Social Care Video
Understanding safeguarding 1 of 5: What is Safeguarding?
Everyone has the right to be safe and to live a life free from Safegurding. At the moment, adult safeguarding in Ireland does not have a specific legislative framework, so the Health Information and Quality Authority HIQA and the Mental Health Commission MHC are developing national standards for safeguarding adults in health, including mental health, and social care services.

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