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BLOG Qualitative vs. It is essential to be aware of the information you want to collect when researching for a project or else - knowing how to ask the correct question based on the situation. Thus, qualitative research will be more appropriate if you want to have information about facts or experience. Quantitativs

If you need to have data based on numbers, percentages, statistics empirical evidencequantitative analysis will be more appropriate. Qualitative Research: Since qualitative research Quajtitative more about understanding events, it is essential to open-ended questions. Hence, the best questions to ask for Qualitative research would be: - Explanatory questions — To better understand a topic, using the determiners, how, why, etc. Would you do it? How often?

According to analysisfactor. Quantitative Research: To conduct quantitative research, we will need to ask questions leading to measurable data answers.
Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative Data
How much? What percentage? The question has to be easily understandable by the audience and clearly state the required data. Did you enjoy this article?]

I think, what is it excellent idea.