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Public School Of Macon County

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Public School Of Macon County

There are now cases perpeople in the county, which is far over the 50 cases perthreshold, she added. There are now 5, confirmed cases of the virus in Macon County, including 89 deaths.

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Binkley said 37 people lost their lives to the illness in the last three weeks alone. Binkley said they recommend schools switch to remote learning before the Thanksgiving holiday. And we are already in a difficult position with numbers and resources. She also thanked those businesses click have complied with mitigation orders. Additionally, Binkley urged families not to gather with people outside their immediate households during the upcoming holiday season.

How to use these data

Puboic Early and other health officials urged people to wear masks, avoid leaving home as much as possible, and stop gathering with click outside their household, in addition to getting the flu shot. COVID is a rapidly evolving story, and we are working hard to bring you the most up-to-date information. We recommend checking the Coronavirus Information Center for the most recent numbers and guidance.

Public School Of Macon County

WILL and the Illinois Newsroom are committed to bringing you in-depth, relevant coverage that keeps you informed and engages you with our community and state. Join with thousands of Scyool to keep this important public media-based resource available to all. IDPH has also compiled a list of. Biden vanquished his Republican foe after. The order includes modifications, however, and includes some.

Public School Of Macon County

Illinois Gov. Pritzker has ordered the closing of every school in the state until March 30 amid concerns over the spread of coronavirus. Lee V.


Gaines November 16, Share on facebook. Share on twitter. Photo: Screenshot taken from virtual press conference streamed on YouTube. Lee Gaines is a reporter for Illinois Public Media. Share on facebook Facebook.]

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