Psychopathy Or Antisocial Personality Disorder -

Psychopathy Or Antisocial Personality Disorder - consider

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I think I have this a bit. Or can it be the sz?

Your Answer

I fit the symptoms. Is it the same as psychopathy? I have no criminal record but was very close to have one many times.

Psychopathy Or Antisocial Personality Disorder

According to my therapist, I have traits of it. Not enough to warrant a diagnosis of the personality disorder. I do have Schizoid Personality Disorder, which is a whole different thing.

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Close, but no cigar. My mum and dad always put their sexual partners before me. I always felt that they were unable to love me the way I needed instead I felt I gave love and got hated in return. My dad gave his x girlfriend a house, his other x a million and his wife will inherit him and we kids will get nothing from what he said.

I love my parents unconditionally and they like me more in their old age than they did when I was young child.

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My stepfather I had is charming and funny to everyone and popular and educated etc no one would ever suspect it. I am more violent without meds as I used knives.

Psychopathy Or Antisocial Personality Disorder

Even on meds I still get inappropriate sexual thoughts, I was harrassing my underage cousin, good thing I told my brothers about it, they beat me up and I stopped. I am aware that I am doing something wrong so I tell ppl around me. Voices used to tell me to rape my mother when I started smoking weed. Intrusive thoughts are a pain in the arse. When I was 17, I was compelled to enroll in therapy per the local psych hospital.]

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