Prohibition And The Prohibition Era -

Happens: Prohibition And The Prohibition Era

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Prohibition And The Prohibition Era Prohibition And The Prohibition Era

To the extent possible under law, National Archives Education Team has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to " Prohibition and Its Consequences ". Created by the National Archives. Bookmark this Activity in My Activities:. Copy this Activity to My Activities for editing:. This activity asks students to study documents and images related to the Eighteenth Amendment of prohibiting the trade in liquor. Documents include: the Act and its repeal by President Franklin D.

Prohibition And The Prohibition Era

Roosevelt in ; letters from citizens for and against Prohibition; and photos and political cartoons. Using these artifacts students will decide whether Prohibition was necessary to protect the individual and family, or it was unwarranted over-reach by the U. For grades 9— Approximate time needed is 45 minutes.

Prohibition And The Prohibition Era

Begin by providing students with historical context as to how and why the 18th Amendment, or Prohibition, was passed:. By the turn of the 20th century, temperance societies were prevalent in the United States. Concerned citizens had begun warning others about the effects of alcohol nearly years earlier. In the American Temperance Society was founded to convince people to abstain from drinking. The anti-Saloon League was formed in and eventually became a powerful political force in passing a national ban on alcoholic beverages.

Weighing the Evidence

Women were strongly behind the temperance movement, for alcohol was seen as the destroyer of families and marriages. Husbands Prohibitlon spend their money on alcohol, leaving wives without money to provide for their children. Factory owners also supported temperance because of the new work habits that were required of industrial workers: early mornings and long nights. Progressive reformers also took to Prohibition since they saw it as a continuation of their efforts to improve society in general.

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Encourage students to keep the following questions, and their first reactions to them, in mind Projibition they complete the activity and analyze primary sources:. Open the activity and select one of the documents. Model careful document analysisending with the question Was Prohibition necessary to protect citizens or was it an unwarranted overreach by the Government? Demonstrate how the scale works and ask students to place the Prohibition And The Prohibition Era they just examined on the scale according to the interpretation it best supports. Explain to the students that they will need to place each photograph and textual document on the scale based on careful document analysis.

Hillyer concerning her husband's drinking activities. Follow us on Twitter:. Follow us on Facebook:. Please enter a valid email address. Share this site:.

Prohibition And The Prohibition Era

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One thought on “Prohibition And The Prohibition Era

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