Personal Reflection On Entrepreneurship -

Personal Reflection On Entrepreneurship

Personal Reflection On Entrepreneurship - final, sorry

In April , I, a 13 year old girl at the time, saw the trailer for a movie called "13 Going on 30" which starred Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo as the leads of the Fantasy Rom-Com. After seeing the trailer I told my mom that I would love to watch that movie. I don't know. Something about the film seemed to drag me to it. Yes, Jennifer and Mark are a couple of my favorite actors, and yes, I love Rom-Coms, but the possibility of going to the future to see what your life could be like and what could've been was intriguing to my 13 year old mind. As I watched the film my mind began to race, what would my thirties be like? What field had I finally chosen from all of my dream jobs I had as a kid? What would I look like? Personal Reflection On Entrepreneurship

Final, sorry: Personal Reflection On Entrepreneurship

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Personal Reflection On Entrepreneurship

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