Will: My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation
The Age Of Empires Rome And Han | Now, more than ever, your patriotic leadership is needed. Is this the America our Founders envisioned? Their principles, and the Constitution itself, are under attack by forces that include socialists, Marxists, globalists, and the Deep State. We’ve created some great resources for you to educate Americans and stand for freedom. American politician, ophthalmologist, and United States Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul Official portrait, United States Senator from Kentucky Incumbent Assumed office January 3, Serving with Mitch McConnell Preceded by Jim Bunning Personal details Born Randal Howard Paul () January 7, (age 57) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Political party Republican Spouse(s) Kelley. The Forward - incisive coverage of the issues, ideas and institutions that matter to American Jews. Reporting on politics, arts and culture. |
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My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation Video
Leadership Redefined Part Two: Foundation for the FutureMy Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation - agree, very
Our new short film offers an introduction to the history of Indigenous enslavement on land that is now the United States. Check out the Future Voters Project and join us as we work toward our goal of registering all eligible students by the time they graduate high school! The Forgotten Slavery of Our Ancestors Our new short film offers an introduction to the history of Indigenous enslavement on land that is now the United States. TT Publications. Race and Ethnicity. One teacher explains how she turned "Thanksgiving Trivia" into an opportunity to share under-taught history with her colleagues as well as her students, regardless of the time of year. My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation.User account menu
He is a son of former twelve-term U. Representative Ron Paul of Texas who was a presidential candidate in, and Paul began practicing ophthalmology in in Bowling Green, Kentuckyand established his own clinic in December InPaul entered politics by running for a seat in the United States Senate. A RepublicanPaul has described himself as a constitutional conservative and a supporter of the Tea Party movement.

Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the U. He suspended his campaign in Februaryafter finishing in fifth place during the Iowa caucuses.
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The elder Paul was a U. Representative from Texas and ran for President of the United States three times. Paul was baptized in the Episcopal Church [3] and identified as a practicing Christian as a teenager. Despite his father's libertarian views and strong support for individual rights[4] [5] the novelist Ayn Rand was not the inspiration for his first name. Growing up, he went by "Randy", [6] but his wife shortened it to "Rand. The Paul family moved to Lake Jackson, Texasin[6] [9] where he was raised [10] [11] and where his father began a medical practice and for an extent of time was the only obstetrician in Brazoria County.
During the time he spent at Baylor, he was involved in the swim team and the Young Conservatives of Texas and was a member of a secret organization, The NoZe Brotherhood known for its irreverent humor. He earned an M. After completing his residency in ophthalmology, Paul moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky.
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He has held a state-issued medical license since moving there in Paul worked for Downing for about five years before parting ways. Senate, he merged his practice with Downing's medical practice. Those who had already been given lifetime certification were allowed to keep it according to the ABO, they would not legally have been able to rescind these certifications.
Shortly after this change, Paul began a campaign to protest it. This effort culminated in with him creating, "along with other young ophthalmologists", the National Board of Ophthalmology NBO to offer an alternative certification system, at a cost substantially lower than that of the ABO. Named board members were Paul, his wife, and his father-in-law. Paul let his own ABO certification lapse inwhich did not affect his practice in Kentucky; the state does not require board certification. By Paul's estimate, about 50 or 60 doctors were certified by the NBO. He later recreated the board inbut it was again dissolved in Paul was head of the local chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas during his time at Baylor University.
While attending Duke University School of MedicinePaul volunteered for his father's Libertarian presidential campaign. In response to President My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation 's breaking his election promise to not raise taxesPaul founded the North Carolina Taxpayers Union in He has often cited his involvement with KTU as the foundation of his involvement with state politics. Paul managed his father's successful Congressional campaignin which the elder Paul returned to the House after a twelve-year absence.
The Wall Street Journal reported in that, although Paul had told a Kentucky television audience as recently as September that KTU published ratings each year on state legislators' tax positions and that "we've done that for about 15 years", the group had stopped issuing its ratings and report cards after and had been legally dissolved by the state in after failing to file registration documents. Paul spoke on his father's behalf when his father was campaigning learn more here office, [36] including throughout the elder Paul's run in the presidential election, during which Rand campaigned door-to-door in New Hampshire [37] and spoke in Boston at a fundraising rally for his father on the th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.
In FebruaryPaul joined the Tea Party -affiliated conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks in filing a class-action lawsuit charging that the federal My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation bulk collection of Americans' phone records metadata is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.]
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