My Psychosocial Stage of Development Video
Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development ExplainedMy Psychosocial Stage of Development - question Bravo
Based on your age, which stage of development does the theory predict you are currently facing? You may feel that the previous stage or the next stage better explains your developmental process. Write a to 1,word paper discussing the stage of psychosocial development you are currently experiencing. Use the following questions to help direct you: Where does the theory place you in the life stages? Is this stage an accurate reflection of your current life stage? Do you believe that there is congruence between the developmental tasks and psychosocial crisis and your current life circumstances? If so, briefly discuss the developmental tasks and the psychosocial crisis with which you are currently engaged. If not, what stage better addresses your life stage? What is the crisis being worked through in this stage? My Psychosocial Stage of DevelopmentErickson identifies the following stages of development Cherry, :. Cherry, K. Retrireved from. It is challenging to get a concrete idea of what kind of career that will fit your lifestyle for your entire working life. The five changes that I will explain are growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and decline. Growth relates to the general development of the concept of work; exploration is beginning to experience, experiment, and get a taste of things you like to do and what interests you. To summarize, life is a long and complicated series of experiences that will influence us and spark interests that will sway us through career choices.
Psychosocial Development
At age 15, one is still in the exploration stage, so the advice I give is to seriously contemplate what you enjoy doing and what you feel your purpose is. This may take some self-exploration, but also talking to Psycuosocial that are in the career field you are interested in and doing some research to the pros and cons of the career; as this is to give a realistic view of what you perceive you will like to do versus a career choice.

Sterner, W. The Career Development Quarterly60 2— I do think that some dreams can be unrealistic but that is only because a child will never understand how hard they will have to work to My Psychosocial Stage of Development certain things until they have left home and realize how difficult things can be as well as how expensive general things are nowadays and prices Developmentt continue to rise into their adulthood. Wages will never accomodate the high cost of living but we have to be willing to support our children and explain to them not to give up on the dream but to always have a back up plan.

While I do agree with most of Supers theory because peoples interests do change over time due to maturity and growth but it is possible for someone to always have the same dream and strive for nothing else but that their entire article source because I have seen that as well. This is where children begin to develop their interests and socialize more. It is also a time to acquire competent habits in school and work career. For example, my son is 11 and he wants to be a professional basketball player and I have explained that this is going to be hard work My Psychosocial Stage of Development dedication. He also needs to strive off a plan B. While we spend all of our time doing everything and anything basketball related, I explained to him that his interests could change.
Next year he could want to do something completely different. Over the course of my lifetime I have switched careers quite a bit. I think that as a society we could probably stop glamorizing the wrong things such as famous people, liquor, and sex. This is pushed on us so much that it seems people now live to idolize it. Also goverment if help children succeed by not making people graduate from college thousands of dollars in debt to student loans.
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This is setting our chilren and our society up to fail in my opinion. For example, my neighbor brother who was born with epilepsy seizures in which has cause a severe mental disorder but my parent could not detect those mental disorders until about the age of 6 or 7, in which some of them included a delay in speech, communication and cognitive motor development.

The neighbor shared around the age of 7 or 8 the brother started to stare at the light fixture quite often in which was very abnormal due to the fact that He could look directly into the bright sun without flinching.]
I am very grateful to you. Many thanks.
Yes, really. All above told the truth. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.