Marketing Of Foods And Non Alcoholic Beverages -

Marketing Of Foods And Non Alcoholic Beverages Marketing Of Foods And Non Alcoholic Beverages.

This report contains the set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children, as presented to the Sixty-third World Health Assembly in Mayand the resolution which endorsed them WHA The document calls for national and international action to reduce the impact on children of marketing of foods high in saturated fats, trans-fatty acids, free sugars, or salt.

Marketing Of Foods And Non Alcoholic Beverages

The first part of the document, the set of recommendations, includes a description of the background and process for the development of the recommendations, an evidence section and 12 recommendations structured under five sub-headings: rationale; policy development; policy implementation; policy monitoring and evaluation; and research. The resolution which follows WHA Download Overview This report contains the set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children, as presented to the Sixty-third World Health Assembly in Mayand the resolution which endorsed them WHA WHO Team. ISBN: 92 4 0.]

Marketing Of Foods And Non Alcoholic Beverages

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