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Maternal death or maternal mortality is defined by the World Health Organization WHO as "the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancyirrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes. Adding to the WHO definition, the CDC extends the period of consideration to include up to 1 year within the end of a pregnancy regardless of the outcome. Two performance indicators used interchangeably are maternal mortality and maternal mortality ratioboth abbreviated as "MMR". Most of these deaths and injuries entirely preventable.

UNFPA estimated thatwomen died of pregnancy or childbirth related causes in As women have gained access to family Many Women Across The World Cause Complications and skilled birth attendant with backup emergency obstetric care, the global maternal mortality ratio has fallen from maternal deaths perlive births in to deaths perlive births inand many countries halved their maternal death rates in the last 10 years.

Many Women Across The World Cause Complications

Although attempts have been made in reducing maternal mortality, there is much room for improvement, particularly in impoverished regions. Their infants, if they survive childbirth, are more likely to die before reaching their second birthday. Factors that increase maternal death can be direct or indirect.

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In a article on maternal morbidity, the authors said that, generally, there is a distinction between a direct maternal death that is the result of a complication of the pregnancydeliveryor management of the two, and an indirect maternal death, [7] that is a pregnancy-related death in a patient with a Many Women Across The World Cause Complications or newly developed health problem unrelated to pregnancy. Fatalities during but unrelated to a pregnancy are termed accidentalincidentalor non-obstetrical maternal deaths. Pregnancy-related deaths between and in the United States have been shown to have major contributions from non-communicable diseases and conditions, and the following are some of the more common causes related to maternal death: [3] cardiovascular diseases According to a WHO publication, sociodemographic factors such as age, access to resources and income level are significant indicators of maternal outcomes.

Young mothers face higher risks of complications and death during pregnancy Comlications older mothers, [13] especially adolescents aged 15 years or younger. They have learn more here pregnancies, on average, than women in developed countries and it has been shown that 1 in fifteen-year-old girls in developing countries who become pregnant will die due to complications during pregnancy or childbirth. This is compared to women in developed countries, where the likelihood is 1 in live births. Structural support and family support influences maternal outcomes. Unsafe abortion is another major cause of maternal death.

According to Many Women Across The World Cause Complications World Health Organization inevery eight minutes a woman died from complications arising from unsafe abortions. Unsafe abortion practices Workd drinking toxic fluids such as turpentine Complicationz bleach. More physical methods include physical injury to the female genitalia. Complications include hemorrhage, infection, sepsis and genital trauma.

Many Women Across The World Cause Complications

Abortions are more common in developed regions than developing regions of the world. This makes unsafe abortion practices the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Social factors impact a woman's decision Complucations seek abortion services, and these can include fear of abandonment from the partner, family rejection and lack of employment.

Social factors such as these can lead to the consequence of undergoing an abortion that is considered unsafe.

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One proposal for measuring and variations in risks to maternal death associated with maternal death is to measure the percentage of induced abortions that are defined unsafe by the WHO and by the ratio of deaths perprocedures, which would be defined Wor,d the abortion mortality ratio.

There are four primary types of data sources that are used to collect abortion-related maternal mortality rates. These four sources are confidential enquiries, registration data, verbal autopsy, and facility-based data sources.]

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