Mad Cow Disease -

Mad Cow Disease

Add To Favorites. Mad cow disease is a fatal disease that slowly destroys the brain and spinal cord central nervous system in cattle. It also is known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE. People cannot get mad cow disease. But in rare cases may get a human form of mad cow disease called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease vCJDwhich is fatal. This can happen if you eat nerve tissue the brain and spinal cord of cattle that were Mad Cow Disease with mad cow disease.

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Over time, vCJD destroys the brain and spinal cord. There is no evidence that people can get mad cow disease or vCJD Madd eating muscle meat—which is used for ground beef, roasts, and steaks—or from consuming milk or milk products. People with vCJD cannot spread it to others through casual contact.

Mad Cow Disease

People who have spent a lot of time at least 3 months in places where mad cow disease has been found are Ckw allowed to give blood in the United States or Canada. Experts are not sure what Mad Cow Disease mad cow disease or vCJD. The leading theory is that the disease is caused by infectious proteins called prions say "PREE-ons". In affected cows, these proteins are found in the brain, spinal cord, and small intestine. There is no proof that prions are found in muscle meat such as steak or in milk.

When a cow is slaughtered, parts of it are used for human food and other parts are used in animal feed. If an infected cow is slaughtered and its nerve tissue is used in cattle feed, other cows can become infected. People can get vCJD if they eat the brain or spinal Mad Cow Disease tissue of infected cattle. The first case of vCJD was reported in Since then, there have been a Diseaee cases of vCJD reported in the world. In Decembermad cow disease was discovered in one cow in the United States.

Before this cow was found to have the disease, the cow was slaughtered and its muscle meat was sent to be sold in grocery stores. But its organs and nerve tissue were not used for human food.

Mad Cow Disease

Although mad cow disease cannot be spread through muscle meat, the United States Department of Agriculture USDA quickly traced the meat and removed it from grocery stores. Sincelink three more cows in the United States have been found to have mad cow disease. It is fatal. Symptoms include:.

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If a person does eat nerve tissue from an infected cow, he or she may not feel sick right away. The time Mad Cow Disease takes for symptoms to occur after you're exposed to the disease is not known Disaese sure, but experts think it is years. There is no single test to diagnose vCJD. Doctors may think that a person has vCJD based on where the person has lived and the person's symptoms and past health.

Researchers are now trying to develop a blood test that looks for vCJD. But Mad Cow Disease blood test is available at this time. A brain biopsy is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of vCJD. There is no cure for vCJD. Treatment includes managing the symptoms that occur as the disease gets worse. The following Diseasf organizations are tracking and studying mad cow disease and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease vCJD. Their websites contain the most up-to-date information about these diseases. Author: Healthwise Staff. Medical Review: E. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.]

One thought on “Mad Cow Disease

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