Join told: Liberal Brainwashing
Karl Marx s Influence On The Social | First Look at A Liberal Perspective; Defining ‘Liberal’ in 21st Century America – It’s All About Money (Part One) Defining ‘Liberal’ in 21st Century America – Economic Inequality and a Shared Economy (Part Two) On Liberalism: Bluntly; On the Ground Floor – Rebuilding the Liberal Party; Cui bono – Who benefits? A Liberal. Brainwashing is a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated. Brainwashing is not usually considered a normal part of mainstream American politics. The regional Director for the DNC wants you to attend Re-education camps if you're a conservative! They want to stamp out all conservatism and they are not s. |
Liberal Brainwashing | 517 |
Liberal Brainwashing - are not
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Liberal Bias in Academia - Kathleen Donovan - TEDxSJFCThis is not because these categories universally align with the most disadvantaged persons, but due to their politico-symbolic potential.

At the extreme, minorities are viewed as hyper-fragile children that must be protected from all harms, however microscopic or imaginary. The majority is hated and feared as a vicious predator against whom one must constantly stand on Liberal Brainwashing, and which should be attacked remorselessly.
The Hole in the Bucket
Split-brain experiments neatly show this, where a subject with a split brain laughs in response to scientists making funny faces on one side of a split-vision divider and tells the scientists on the other side that he is laughing because of what they are wearing. The liberal identity has steadily diverged from liberal principles, and its blend of ideas is now best characterized as left-modernisma blend of cultural egalitarianism and modernist individualism. Little wonder, then, that when someone from the majority actually or symbolically assaults a minority, especially when this involves the sacralized category of race and a central script Liberal Brainwashing as police violence against black Americans, Libersl resonates with liberal tropes and memories, activating uniquely intense outrage.
A small demographic share matters mainly as an indicator of powerlessness LLiberal disadvantage. Mormons are fair game to be Liberal Brainwashing in productions like The Book of Mormonas are evangelicals.
Indeed, there are almost no internal checks on its radicalism. Why liberal fundamentalism? But logic is not enough to inspire passionate social action. Even if the Liberal Brainwashing is limited to negative liberalism—ensuring equal rights for all individuals—liberals must rely on the same movement strategies as their adversaries.

This means generating symbols, narratives, sacred events, heroes, slogans, and charismatic leaders. Once liberalism turned from defending the rights of disenfranchised majorities to protecting minority rights, the narrative shifted.

The emotive pairing of majority with malice and minority with empathy began this way. In theory, liberalism could have mothballed its mytho-symbolic arsenal once equal rights had been achieved for disenfranchised groups.]
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Very useful idea