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Levi Strauss

Levi Strauss Video

Claude Lévi-Strauss - Cultura para principiantes

Levi Strauss - something

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He was a man of scientific method who on many occasions denied the philosophers. However, his works go Strausd the positive sciences; His theories https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/work-experience-programme/understanding-of-rfid-on-supply-chain-management.php bold and steeped in human worldview and history. The ideas and works of this author are documented in more than twelve books, hundreds of articles and public presentations. He was one Levi Strauss the most outstanding personalities in world anthropology during the 20th century.

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His family was French with Jewish roots. Inhe studied philosophy in Paris to later obtain a doctorate in Letters Then he traveled to Brazil -between Levi Strauss and served as a professor at the University of Sao Paulo.

Levi Strauss

In this country he traveled to the regions of Mato Grosso and the Amazon, where he carried out ethnographic work. He returned to France during the World War and then in he traveled to the United States, where he lived until Later he returned to France Levi Strauss dedicate himself to research. Inhe was selected as director of the Strakss School of Higher Studies in Paris, dictating the subject on religions of peoples without writing. Then, in he was Levi Strauss professor at the College de France, where he devoted himself to the chair of social anthropology.

Levi Strauss

During this time, the publication of his structural anthropology and his studies on savage thought and totemism determined the rise of structuralism. However, despite being the introducer of the method in ethnology, he rightly denied that paternity; it indicated that structuralism began with Levi Strauss and Humboldt.

He declared that his Levi Strauss consisted in having extended the structural analysis to extralinguistic areas. It is necessary to indicate that his precepts had important bases in psychoanalysis, geology Staruss Marxism, whose influences were determining in the development of his ideas. In his explorations two lines stand out: the first tries to establish a scientific vision for the studies of man from the ethnographic point of view; the second Levi Strauss to know the human spirit. He divided it into several successive and staggered stages ranging from empirical data to higher theoretical forms.

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The method begins with a deep description of all phenomena and their interrelationships with the whole; that is, a survey of information as complete as possible. This had to be done in an objective way. Then, through a systematized treatment of the data, Levi Strauss relationships and correlations were sought.]

One thought on “Levi Strauss

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