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Legalization of Gambling Pro Pro

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The team slated to lead Joe Biden's transition at a top drug agency is devoid of representatives of progressive drug policy organizations, a departure from the president-elect's conciliatory stance on the campaign trail. A six-man team will steer Biden's takeover of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which coordinates government anti-narcotic efforts under the aegis of the so-called drug czar. But none in the group come from the array of left-leaning organizations that push for drug decriminalization and legalization, and which have recently exercised influence over more progressive Democrats. Instead, Biden's ONDCP transition group is heavy on Obama administration veterans, including a former Department of Homeland Security official responsible for narcotics enforcement and a senior ONDCP adviser who has supported decriminalization but drawn a line at the legalization of many drugs. The absence of progressive drug policy advocates reflects Biden's relative conservatism on drug issues, a stance that puts him increasingly out of step with the organized left. Biden attempted to downplay this difference on the campaign trail, emphasizing his support for decriminalization, particularly to young voters, and selecting arch-reformer Kamala Harris as his running mate. His change of tone has drug-policy progressives worried and ready to push back from day one. It doesn't address any of the issues that we've brought up. Legalization of Gambling Pro Pro

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Pres. elect pivots from pro-drug play for votes during election

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Legalization of Gambling Pro Pro

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