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Is Feminisms View On Dual Consciousness A - consider, that
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See note I have always known desire, not merely for extreme pleasures of the senses and the mind, but for the highest Enjoyment of Spiritual Power and Mobility. But I have not been seated in desire, and desire has only been a play that I have grown to understand and enjoy without conflict. Even as a baby I remember only crawling around inquisitively with a boundless Feeling of Joy, Light, and Freedom in the middle of my head that was bathed in Energy moving unobstructed in a Circle, Connsciousness from above, all the way down, then up, all the way up, and around again, and always Shining from my heart.
It was an Expanding Sphere of Joy from the heart.
I was the Heart Itself, Who Lightens the mind and all things. Even as a little child I recognized It and Knew It, and my life was not a matter of anything else.

And It is the entire Source of True Humor. It is Reality.
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It is not separate from anything. It Functions in time and space, and It is also Prior to all time and space…. The gross, or physical, dimension of conditional existence is associated with the physical body and experience in the waking state. The subtle dimension, which is senior to and pervades the gross dimension, includes the etheric or energeticlower mental or verbal-intentional and lower psychicand higher mental or deeper psychic, mystical, and discriminative functions, and is associated with experience in the dreaming state.
In the human psycho-physical structure, the subtle dimension is primarily associated with the ascending energies of the spine, the brain core, and the subtle centers https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/story-in-italian/budgeting-is-an-imperative-tool.php mind in the higher brain.
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The causal dimension is senior to and pervades both the gross and the subtle dimensions. Its corresponding state of consciousness is the formless awareness of deep sleep. When you have been thus Initiated by Me, it then becomes your responsibility, your sadhana, to continuously Remember Me, to constantly return to this recognition of Me, in which you are Attracted to Me, in which you respond to Me spontaneously with an the principal faculties. Members of the Ruchira Sannyasin Https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/woman-in-black-character-quotes/new-send-code-of-practice-and-how.php are uniquely exemplary practitioners of the Way of Adidam who are practicing in the context of the advanced sixth and seventh stages of life.
Members of this Order are legal renunciates and live a Is Feminisms View On Dual Consciousness A of perpetual retreat. As a general rule, they are to reside at Adidam Samrajashram.]
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