Humn 101 Writing Assignment Exhibition And Annotated -

Humn 101 Writing Assignment Exhibition And Annotated

These are just SOME of the possible topics we have touched on this semester, have your own idea? Ask me about it! I have a working thesis, and 6 citations from an academic museum, gallery, artist website.

New Materials

I have participated in two writing workshops offered in class with Laura Power Workshop dates:. I have 4 full pages not including works cited page because I want an A on this paper. Published by admin on November 19, Categories Assignment Help. Tags Art History Thesis exhibition title and exhibition: Based on a larger Exhibittion or theme relevant to the time period we discuss in class.

Think about the BIG themes we have read and discussed for class. Use the theme you have chosen to develop a thesis or idea for an exhibition. Curate the exhibition. Decide on 6 images that fit our time frame, and that best illustrate your idea.

Attach Exhiibition images to the back of the paper. The body of your paper will essentially be your museum label. Your museum label will explain who, what, why, where, when and how.]

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