Human Reproductive Cloning Should be Banned - interesting
The leadership of the Senate nonetheless has refused to take action on. According to Richard Seed, "cloning is inevitable. If I don't do it, someone else will. There's no way you can stop science" qtd. Depending on one's personal opinion about cloning, human cloning in particular, a quote such as that will most likely either anger a reader or excite them. Human cloning is one of the hottest topics for debate in society today-the lines are very strictly drawn between those in favor of continuing cloning research and those who are staunchly opposed. However due to unforeseen medical conditions she lived a short life, being put down due to progressive lung disease and arthritis at the early age of six years old. Ever since Dolly the sheep, it has been discussed in the scientific community whether or not human cloning is possible, let alone a good idea. Though there are many people who are in favor of such scientific abominations, there are still many who disagree and see the true evil. Within the many faults involved in human cloning. Human Reproductive Cloning Should be Banned.Cloning is exactly what one thinks it is and with it comes almost every legitimate question and concern one could possibly imagine.

According to historical records, human cloning of varying types has actually been possible for about 7 years. The problem with cloning is that as of it is believed that more than 70 countries have outright restricted or totally banned the practice. For more reasons than one.
Human Cloning Should Not be Permitted Essay
The crazy thing here is is babies; embryos, and even a legendary sheep have all been cloned. Research shows that those two processes are called therapuetic cloning and outright reproductive cloning. Obviously, one could guess that the latter is the one that results in a clone of oneself. Despite what many believe — the process is very much alive but is hotly forbidden to regular humans. Reproductive cloning is a pretty scary topic considering it would result in an exact clone of say Christina Aguilera.
Human Cloning Should be Condemned Essays
Ethical experts have additionally argued that the process could lead to cloning a person particularly for the purpose of a superior species. You can read more about the alarming but rather intriguing process in Business Insider. You must be logged in to post a comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information.
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