Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine -

Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine - absolutely not

Print, Share, or View Spanish version of this article. HPV Human papillomavirus vaccine can prevent infection with some types of human papillomavirus. HPV is spread through intimate skin-to-skin or sexual contact. HPV infections are so common that nearly all men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some time in their lives. Most HPV infections go away by themselves within 2 years. But sometimes HPV infections will last longer and can cause cancers later in life. HPV vaccine is routinely recommended for adolescents at 11 or 12 years of age to ensure they are protected before they are exposed to the virus. HPV vaccine may be given beginning at age 9 years, and as late as age 45 years. Most people older than 26 years will not benefit from HPV vaccination. Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine.

Opinion: Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine

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Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine

HPV virus symptoms

Human Papilloma Virus - more commonly known as HPV - is a group Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine viruses primarily spread through skin-to-skin contact such as sexual activity. HPV does not cause any problems for most people, but infection can result in genital warts and even some types of cancer. But what exactly is HPV, what are the risk factors and, most importantly, how can you prevent it? HPV is a family of viruses that affect the skin and mucous surfaces of the body - these include the vagina, cervix, anus, mouth and throat.

Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine

There are many types of HPV, and they can affect all different parts of the body. Most people know of HPV in relation to genital warts and the link to cervical cancer. However, some types of HPV also cause warts that you get on your hands and feet.

What is the most important information I should know about human papillomavirus vaccine?

What are the most common symptoms of HPV virus? For most people, HPV won't actually cause any signs or symptoms at all. It is possible to have the virus and not know about it, and for your body to clear it without it ever causing any problems. When some types of HPV cause an infection in the genital area, they can cause genital warts.

Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine

These are fleshy growths that you can see on the skin Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine the genital area - on the penis, the vulva, the vagina and around the anus. It is possible to have warts on the cervix as well but it is usually difficult to see these unless you're being examined by a doctor. These are known as low-risk HPV types because they are not linked with cancers.

Human Papillomavirus Hpv Vaccine

It is estimated that up to 80 per cent of women 4 in 5 will have HPV at some point in their lives, but they will have it and clear it without knowing about it. However, HPV can sometimes lead to the following:.]

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