How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments -

How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments Video

The ORCA Minute: Let's talk about estuaries. How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments.

A cyclone temporarily disrupts copepod community structure of an estuary, and during the community rebuilding process, omnivorous copepods dominate.

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This hypothesis was tested after cyclone Fani affected the Ganges River estuary of India on 5 May click Copepod assemblages and environmental parameters were collected before 25 Februaryafter 24 August and immediately after daily between 8 and 14 May cyclone Fani from three sites of the estuary.

Copepod diversity and abundance were drastically reduced by cyclone Fani with the exception of the omnivorous Bestiolina similiswhich tolerated a wide variability of the environment and dominated the community. Led by small and medium-sized copepods, within days, the community recovered from its initial disruption.

How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments

Immediately after cyclone Fani, medium-sized omnivorous copepod Acartiella tortaniformis became the second most abundant species replacing the small-sized herbivorous Paracalanus parvus. Changes in species composition and abundance hierarchy observed immediately after cyclone Fani lasted for a few months.

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The intensity of cyclones is increasing in the Indian Sundarban; therefore, following a cyclone, more severe and prolong disruptions of Divverse copepod community are likely. Institutionalized monitoring of the cyclone-mediated ecological changes of the Ganges River estuary is therefore strongly recommended. A concern of the modern era is how estuarine plankton communities may respond to extreme environmental changes like cyclones also known as typhoon or hurricane in the different regions of the world Wetz and Yoskowitz ; Paerl et al.

How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments

Recovery of plankton communities How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments an extreme event is best understood through long-term studies sustained during ecological stability and disturbance Paerl et al. Such studies are rare in developing countries where access to resources immediately after a cyclone is less feasible Paul et al. After a cyclone, the ecological processes that regulate the structural and functional stability, diversity and productivity of the recovering planktonic food web are more likely to be bottom-up than top-down Paerl et al. Cyclones have abruptly changed the bottom-up processes and in consequence affected diversity and distribution of copepods in the tropical estuaries of India, South Africa and Estuafies Bhattacharya et al.

Following tropical cyclone Tiffany, McKinnon et al. Incyclone Aila drastically changed the water quality of the mangrove estuaries of the Indian Sundarban, rendering the system highly turbid and oligohaline for a few months, leading to a temporary, Riich a major depression of mesozooplankton and fish diversity with only a few estuarine specialist species being able to adapt to such drastic changes of habitat Mukherjee et al.

The northern and eastern coasts of the Bay of Bengal BoB are occasionally affected by cyclones Bhattacharya et al.

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India has no institutionalized monitoring program in place for following cyclone-mediated ecological changes of its estuaries Paul et al. So, only a few ecological studies have ever reported consequences of cyclones on estuarine mesozooplankton Bhattacharya et al. These studies suggest that the intensity of a cyclone-mediated disruption of mesozooplankton community largely depends on the distance from the landfall site Estuariew a cyclone and cyclone-associated rainfall Kumar et al. The estuary is characterized by extreme environmental gradients and supports a diverse copepod community Paul et al. When not disrupted by any extreme environmental change, environmental variability of microhabitats plays an important role in maintaining the copepod community structure in the GRE Paul et al.]

How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments

One thought on “How Estuaries Are Diverse And Rich Environments

  1. Certainly. All above told the truth. Let's discuss this question.

  2. True phrase

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