How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well -

How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well - pity, that

In fact, experts now regard children forced to witness direct violence between parents as having emotional abuse inflicted upon them. Specific psychological effects upon the child of witnessing domestic abuse:. Children who regularly witness this kind of domestic violence in the home are made to feel powerless, afraid and, often, terrified. They are forced into the alarming realisation that:. Both of the above combine to make the child feel highly unsafe, vulnerable and insecure. When indirect abuse turns into direct abuse:. Worse still, when domestic violence occurs in the house, it is possible for children to become directly involved in it. For instance, their pity for their mother may compel them to intervene in order to try to protect her from the father. How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well

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How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well

Learn more about how FutureLearn is transforming access to education. View transcript. Parents split up for all sorts of reasons.

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For these families, the reason was domestic abuse. What was it like when your Mum and Dad lived together? I also love my dad and everything. But your home is somewhere you should feel safe, not somewhere where you see your own family get hurt. Dad would spend all the money on drugs. And he was constantly putting Mum down. She hated it, but she stuck around for us. I tried to stick up for her, but he just got really angry.

Domestic Violence Should Not Be A Private Matter

I was that scared of him. When Dad lived with us, there was too many bad memories. We would have had to be in bed before he came home, or he would have hit us. How did you leave?

How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well

Well, we tried to leave a few times. So the next day, we went to the police station. And they sorted it all out.

How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well

He got taken in by the police, so we had a chance to leave. Who decides if you see your dad? I had 2 hours contact with my dad every week. That was good. We liked it and we liked it when he buys us stuff.

Thank you!

But he was not nice. He said bad things. I felt better not seeing my dad. It kept the worries out of my head.]

One thought on “How Domestic Violence Affects Children As Well

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