Globalization Is A Multidimensional Process - will
For the achievement of resilient alliances, we need to deliver the correct framework that allows the exchange among partners from new dimensions. COVID19 represents the momentum to do so and enables the tools for its implementation — as usually happen during crises-. Partnerships at all levels —public-private, individuals-institutions, public-civil society- are the catalyzer to a system change. It is key to open the stage to new actors that have become part of a wider stage of stakeholders and a new way of living and working. The consequences of COVID19 are multiples as well as there consequences: working from home, unemployment, voluntary work, mothers that take an additional role with homeschooling, a go back to green consumption, less or none travel, etc. All of them mark the beginning of a new reality that we must make last and profitable in the short-term. It demands goodwill to accept it and enough institutional strength to create and innovate new methods to tackle with profitability. There is no more the dichotomy: bottom-up and top-down initiatives, but the harmonically merge of all, leading by global organizations, governments and be demanded by the citizens as the best source of power to boots a new system. Is precisely the capacity to create new synergies that will build resilience through new models of interconnecting and working together. A sense of togetherness that moves beyond aid or solidarity but a true way of working differently. Globalization Is A Multidimensional ProcessGlobalization Is A Multidimensional Process - final, sorry
.Recent micro-level studies have suggested that globalization—in particular, economic globalization and trade with China—breeds political polarization and populism. This study examines whether or not those results generalize by examining the country-level association Globalisation vote shares for European click parties and economic globalization. Using data on vote shares for right-wing and left-wing populist parties in 33 European countries during —, and globalization data from the KOF institute, we find no evidence of a positive association between economic or other types of globalization and populism. EU membership is associated with a 4—6-percentage-point larger vote share for right-wing populist parties.

I concur with the commonplace judgment that the rise of populism has been triggered by globalization and the consequent massive increase in inequality in many rich countries—Francis Fukuyama Populist parties are on the rise in western democracies. Several Multdiimensional provide some support for the view expressed by Fukuyama quoted above that economic globalization is one of the most important causes—but the evidence is not conclusive.

For example, Swank and Betz studied 16 European countries from toand documented a positive association between economic openness and votes for right-wing populist parties where social spending is low, but a negative association where social spending is high. Similar results for 15 Western Source countries were presented by Colantone and Stanig bwho showed that Chinese import shocks have strengthened support for nationalist and isolationist parties. It is not obvious, however, that results Globalization Is A Multidimensional Process by Chinese import shocks can be generalized to a positive association between country level economic globalization and votes for populist parties.
Chinese imports may well have raised wages and created employment elsewhere in the US economy, with potentially mitigating political consequences. In Globalizattion case, globalization is a multidimensional process, and economic globalization entails more than trade with China.
When discussing the evidence Globalization Is A Multidimensional Process globalization breeds populism, another factor worth mentioning is publication bias Stanley ; Auspurg and Hinzsuch that studies finding insignificant effects of globalization on any outcome are less likely to be published. If researchers anticipate publication bias, any field of scholarship is likely to suffer from production bias, in the sense that papers reporting statistically significant findings are more likely to be written, completed and submitted what Rosenthal called the file drawer problem.
Both mechanisms suggest that previously published findings may give a biased view of how globalization and populism are associated.
Published by Mar Introini
If the commonplace judgment alluded to by Fukuyama is correct, the causal effects identified in previous research should generalize to positive cross-country association between economic globalization and votes for populist parties.
As we shall see, however, that is not the case. The absence of a country-level association between globalization and populism is robust to a large array of variations in methodologies and in the measurement of both globalization and populism. The paper proceeds by discussing in Sect.
Reshaping globalization.Ideas for a smarter future
Many scholars have discussed the nature and definition of populism. Footnote 1 Some early studies focused on the differences between parties and movements mobilizing under the populist label—Canovan is one example.

The ideas typically are attached to a host ideology, which for left-wing populists often is socialism in some form, and for right-wing populists some type of nationalism. Footnote 2 Along those lines, Rodrik distinguishes between left-wing and right-wing populism because they differ with respect to the societal cleavages that populists highlight. The distinction between right-wing and left-wing populism is also important because empirical studies have shown that left-wing and right-wing populist parties behave differently in parliaments, and that the left-right positions of the parties can be more important than their shared populism Otjes and Louwerse ; Huber and Schimpf The compilation contains vote shares for parties in 33 countries the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Globalization Is A Multidimensional Process, Switzerland, Serbia and Montenegro from to the present day, accounting for the fact that parties may change over time.
Countries are included in the index when they are free according to the Freedom House index: Most Middle and Eastern European countries are included from onward.]
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