Global Warming Warning -

Global Warming Warning - consider

Sometimes the human trauma of the climate crisis is too painful to recite, and this is one of those times: the busiest hurricane season ever recorded is continuing on into the late fall, with consequences so horrifying one can hardly stand to look. Right now, Hurricane Iota is mashing Central America; it will likely be a few days before we know the precise results. And Hurricane Iota has just crashed into the same terrain, dropping yet more torrents on the saturated country, which was already dealing not just with COVID but with a bad dengue outbreak. Hurricane Katrina, among the worst recorded in American history, cost the U. Needless to say, the President of the United States did not bother even to tweet about the disaster; the U. Agency for International Development offered a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Global Warming Warning Global Warming Warning

Climate School

The world should react with the same urgency to climate change as is to the coronavirus crisis, the Red Cross Global Warming Warning, warning that global warming poses a greater threat than COVID In its report on global catastrophes since the s, the Geneva-based organisation pointed out that the world had Global Warming Warning hit by more than disasters — many of them climate-related — since the World Health Organization declared the pandemic in March. The frequency and intensity of extreme Wsrning and climate-related events have been steadily climbing since the s, said the IFRC. In alone, the world was hit by natural disasters — 77 percent of them climate or weather-related — killing some 24, people.

Global Warming Warning

Weather and climate-related disasters have killed more thanpeople over the past decade, most of them in poorer countries, with heatwaves and storms proving the most deadly, Wwrming report said. It also lamented that much of the money invested so far in climate change Global Warming Warning and mitigation was not going to the developing countries who are most at risk. How a culture and history of resilience is inspiring Pacific islanders in their fight against cyclones and rising seas.

‘No vaccine for climate change’

Increasingly dry conditions in arid western US states are making wildfires bigger and tougher to contain, expert says. Connecticut the latest state to sue over allegations fossil fuel industry deceived public about climate change effects. More than 50 million people had been affected, it said. US wildfires: Warmign climate change is spurring deadly blazes.

Global Warming Warning

US climate change lawsuits: Connecticut sues ExxonMobil. More from News. Five killed by gunmen in northwest Nigeria mosque attack: Police. FIFA bans African football head for five years over ethics probe.]

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