Global Warming Should Be On Birth Control - remarkable, rather
The Environmental Protection Agency EPA is an independent executive agency of the United States federal government tasked with environmental protection matters. The agency is led by its administrator , who is appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. Wheeler , who had been acting administrator since July It has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments. It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement responsibility to U. EPA enforcement powers include fines, sanctions , and other measures. Global Warming Should Be On Birth ControlIn past articles I've covered the controls needed to transfer from the present fossil-fuel-based energy economy to a future solar-hydrogen-based energy economy.
Navbharat Times
This green energy economy system will have a collector-electrolyzer-compressor CEC at the source end and a hydrogen storage-fuel cell HFC combination package at the user end. In past articles, I've also described the controls of the reversible fuel cell RFCthe versatile device that generates hydrogen for storage when solar energy is in excess and reverses to generate electricity from hydrogen when solar energy is insufficient.
I've argued that our stone-age ancestors didn't switch to using bronze because they ran out of stones; they switched because it was better. So should we switch to green Shold and leave fossils where they are. In this article, I'll show that the GW process is self-stabilizing, and that it contains many positive feedback processes and tipping points. Unfortunately, many future-prediction models disregard these positive feedback processes and, as such, are highly inaccurate.
I'll end with some comments on the economy of the conversion. GW is a multivariable, heat-transfer process.
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It consists of a warm object the Earth rotating in a cold environment outer space. The Earth has to be heated to maintain its temperature.

It has two heat sources, one is outside the Sunthe other a much smaller one inside, which I will neglect in this analysis. The heat balance will be stable Global Warming Should Be On Birth Control the following three variables are constant: 1 the amount of solar energy received, 2 link insulation of the planet, and 3 the reflectivity of the Earth's surface. Let us look here all three.
First, the amount of solar radiation received by the Earth varies because the Earth orbits the Sun at an angle. The solar energy reaching different parts of our planet isn't constant, but varies during the course of a year. This is the reason we have different seasons and why the seasons are opposite in the Northern Global Warming Should Be On Birth Control Southern hemispheres.
There are three reasons for the variation: eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, which varies the planet's distance to the Sun and triggers ice ages everytoyears ; the orientation of the Earth's axis, which cycles off-center every 26, years; and the tilt-angle of the Earth's axis, with a cycle period of 41, years. It's obvious that none of these variables can be responsible for GW because they're all several magnitudes slower than the fast-increasing GW. Second, life on Earth is made possible by the existence of our atmosphere, which, among other functions, insulates us from the cold of outer space. This insulation also keeps the "back side" of the Earth the side not facing the Sun warm.
This insulation is facilitated by greenhouse gases, reflect radiated heat back to Earth. The concentration of these carbon-dioxide-equivalent gases did not rise above ppmv during the last 1 million years Figure 1.]
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