Friendship And Friendship The Strengths Of Friendship -

Friendship And Friendship The Strengths Of Friendship - something

Shelly Henley Kelly ponders the beauty of friendships: a gift from God to remind us we are never alone. How they come in so many shapes and sizes. How some grow deep roots in your life and last through the storms and seasons, while others are paper-thin, fleeting, largely dependent on the season of life. God created us for community, not to walk alone. He gathered the disciples from different walks of life, brought them together, and sent them out in pairs. As our lives move through different seasons, through marriage, children, changing jobs, joining church groups, we find ourselves meeting new people and pulled toward each other, bonding over time through shared experiences. Something about our personalities click, we appreciate their counsel, they make us laugh, and we find ourselves able to go deeper in our conversations. Friendship And Friendship The Strengths Of Friendship. Friendship And Friendship The Strengths Of Friendship

Friendship And Friendship The Strengths Of Friendship Video

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Find more stories like this one by signing up! Story Transcript the pain of friendship our fingers interlace in pink and red our fingers interlace in pink and red hair tousled in gentle curls and down the winding path i'm lead and down the winding path i'm lead the trees remain in darkened swirls these eyes are clouded these eyes are clouded black these eyes are clouded black and these eyes are clouded black and blue you've forced me deep within the wood if I don't follow if I don't follow am i true or as your friend no longer good?

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