Forgiveness Reflection -

Forgiveness Reflection Video

Reflection: forgiveness Forgiveness Reflection

Forgiveness Reflection - consider

What happens to a student loan deferred? Or draw interest— Do payments ever end? Does it grow into a mountain of debt? Until an unknown number calls you up to collect? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Until someone forgives it But the financial cost of pursuing the American dream also comes with a lifetime of debt. As with most political debates, people used bad-faith arguments or strawmen to present the other side of the issue. Have you ever heard the phrase, when white America gets a cold, Black America catches the flu? Forgiveness Reflection

By BenArion, www. I know that I am responsible for my projections towards people and circumstances, no one else.

Forgiveness Reflection

Forgiveness Reflection can heal the Duality Mind and this is what this article will hopefully bring forth, and hopefully some resistance too, because then I am serving My fellow brothers and sisters. Love is about forgiveness. With this article I want to broaden your horizons of Belief.

We are works in progress

I want to go beyond the "talks" about the Galactic Federation and the Cosmic awakening. I want to dive into what I will call "Hardcore Forgiveness Reflection. People often just hear what they want to hear, we can only see and hear what we want accept within our frames of Forgiveness Reflection, and we tend to reject anything else as untrue or even dark. This is duality. In fact duality is also just an illusionary idea. People act and behave as they do because they don't fully understand that we are One Mind playing that we are Different Ego-minds. People feel threatened because they believe that what they are can be taken away from them, but it cannot, it Reflectiob an illusion. I am warning you that this is going to be a hardcore article, and some will not like it.

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A dream is filled with what we call dream symbols, Forgiveness Reflection you know that all of these symbols show you what you believe about yourself. Do you feel guilt or afraid of your own unconscious mind? This is what makes it so real, because you feel afraid and you feel it can hurt you. But if you Forgiveness Reflection that what you see is within you, you can choose to forgive what you see and feel, because it's not yours.

Is your love for God real?

It's your belief that you are separated from GOD, which makes Forgiveness Reflection feel guilt and fear. And you may also tell someone within your dream that you are safe, because you are not there, they may look at you and say "you're crazy". In the moment when you realize that you are the dreamer you know that you are the Forgiveness Reflection of it and not a victim, so you change focus. But if you're unconscious of the realization that you're dreaming, you will believe in your own projections and feel lost within them. Someone who has awakened from the dream will still be within the dream world, but not "of" it as you say.

Forgiveness Reflection

Freedom is knowing that "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lays the peace of God.]

One thought on “Forgiveness Reflection

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