For over two thousand years the spoken -

For over two thousand years the spoken

For over two thousand years the spoken - agree, excellent

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For over two thousand years the spoken Video

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Now we want to hear from you so that we can keep making the shows that you love. And thank you. Today, a Biden victory was expected to translate into Democratic control of the Senate. Julie, until now, we have been very focused, I think understandably, on the presidential race. But now that race click been called and called for President-elect Joe Biden, we want to turn to the fate of Congress, which alas, is not at all a settled matter.

For over two thousand years the spoken

So just how unsettled a matter is Congress at this moment? Democrats are on track to have held their House majority. They had kind of a rougher night than they expected and they lost some seats in the House.

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What Senate races were on the ballot on Election Day last Tuesday? So going into this election, you know, Republicans had a lot more to lose than Democrats did. They had 23 seats they were defending. Democrats, because Flr the way Senate races are staggered, every two years, only were defending 12 seats. And they had some pretty good pick up opportunities around the country. They were both very vulnerable and seen as potentially going to lose.

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You had Susan Collins in Maine who is a moderate. President Trump is very unpopular in her state.

For over two thousand years the spoken

So she was seen as very vulnerable. Thom Tillis in North Carolina was also seen as somebody who could potentially lose his seat to a Democrat. So given that the Senate balance of power is very narrow, Democrats have 47 seats, Republicans have 53, they were going to have to pick up at least four seats in order to be able to have a splken at control of the Senate. And even then, that would only be the case if Joe Biden were to win the presidency.

For over two thousand years the spoken

Therefore, his vice president would have the power to cast tie breaking votes. So the math was full of opportunities for Democrats, but it was still going to be an uphill battle.]

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